Frank T. Coulson
Arts and Humanities Distinguished Professor of Classics, Director of Palaeography
414 University Hall
230 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210
Areas of Expertise
- Ovid
- Classical Reception
- Palaeography
- B.A. Toronto 1975
- M.A. Toronto 1977
- Ph.D. Toronto 1982
Arts and Humanities Distinguished Professor of Classics
Director of Palaeography, Center for Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies
Frank T. Coulson took his doctorate in Classics at the University of Toronto. His research focuses primarily on palaeography, textual criticism and classical reception. He is a leading authority on the reception of Ovid in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. His latest books include a new handbook of Latin palaeography with Oxford University Press and a comprehensive catalogue of the medieval and humanistic Latin commentaries on Ovid’s Metamorphoses with the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. He is currently working on finishing his projected three-volume edition of the Vulgate commentary on the Metamorphoses, composed at Orleans about 1260.
Elected Member of the Comité International de Paléographie Latine
2018 College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Classics
2005 College of Humanities Exemplary Faculty
2002 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching
Festschrift published in Professor Coulson's honor
"The Manuscripts of the 'Vulgate' Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses: A Checklist," Scriptorium 39 (1985) 118-129.
"Manuscript Research: Running the Gauntlet and Surviving," Classical Journal 81 (1985) 59-64.
"New Evidence for the Circulation of the Text of Valerius Flaccus?" Classical Philology 81 (1986) 58-60.
"New Manuscript Evidence for Sources of the Accessus of Arnoul d'Orleans to the Metamorphoses of Ovid," Manuscripta 30 (1986) 103-107.
"Pierpont Morgan Library MS. M. 938: A Newly Discovered Copy of Giovanni del Virgilio's Prose Paraphrase of the Metamorphoses," Scriptorium 40 (1986) 255-256.
"Hitherto Unedited Medieval and Renaissance Lives of Ovid (I)" Mediaeval Studies 49 (1987) 152-207.
"The Manuscripts of the 'Vulgate' Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses: Addendum," Scriptorium 41 (1987) 263-264.
"An Update to Munari's Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Ovid's Metamorphoses," Scriptorium 42 (1988) 111-112.
"The Citing of Manuscript Shelfmarks: A Modest Proposal," Classical World 82 (1988) 31-34.
"The Vulgate Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses " in "Ovid in Medieval Culture," ed. Marilynn Desmond, Mediaevalia (1987) 29-61.
"Seneca's Troades 1109-1110," Classical Quarterly 39 (1989) 565-566.
"New Manuscripts of the Medieval Interpretations of Ovid's Metamorphoses," Scriptorium 44 (1990) 272-275.
(with Linda C. Jones), "A Newly Acquired Manuscript of Alan of Lille's De planctu naturae in the Ohio State Library," Scriptorium 45 (1991) 84-88.
(with Urania Toptsi), "Vaticanus latinus 2877: A Hitherto Unedited Allegorization of Ovid's Metamorphoses," The Journal of Medieval Latin 2 (1992) 1-61.
"Newly Discovered Manuscripts of Ovid's Metamorphoses in the Libraries of Milan and Florence," Scriptorium 46 (1992) 285-288.
(with Krzysztof Nawotka), "The Rediscovery of Arnulf of Orleans' glosses to Ovid's Creation Myth," Classica et Mediaevalia 44 ( 1993) 267-299.
"Newly Identified Manuscripts containing the Summa Memorialis on the Metamorphoses by Orico de Capriana," Studi Medievali 35 (1994) 817-822.
"A Bibliographical Update (with corrigenda minora) to Munari's Catalogues of the Manuscripts of the Metamorphoses," Manuscripta 38 (1994) 3-22.
"Addenda to Munari's Catalogues of the Manuscripts of the Metamorphoses," Revue d'histoire des textes 25 (1995) 91-127.
"A Newly Discovered Copy of the Vulgate Commentary in an Incunabulum in the British Library," Studi Medievali 36 (1995) 321-322.
"Giovanni F. Picenardi and the Ovidian Commentary in Modena, Biblioteca Estense Est. Lat. 306 (α. W. 4.13)," Revue d'histoire des textes 26 (1996) 251-252.
"A Checklist of Newly Discovered Manuscripts of the Allegoriae of Giovanni del Virgilio," Studi medievali 37 (1996) 443-453
"A Checklist of Newly Discovered Manuscripts of Pierre Bersuire's Ouidius moralizatus," Scriptorium 51 (1997) 164-186.
"Hitherto Unedited Medieval and Renaissance Lives of Ovid (II): Humanistic Lives," Mediaeval Studies 59 (1997) 111-153.
"A Newly Discovered Copy of the De orthographia of Parisius de Altedo in the Geisler Library, University of California at San Diego," Scriptorium 51 (1997) 380-381.
"Two Newly Identified Accessus to Ovid's Metamorphoses in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B. 214, and London, British Library, MS Harley 2694," Manuscripta 42 (1998) 122-123.
"Bernardo Moretti: Biographer and Commentator on Ovid: the Manuscripts," Studi medievali 39 (1998) 449-459.
"On a recent publication dealing with medieval commentaries on Ovid," Studi medievali 41 (2000) 845-848.
"Addenda and Corrigenda to Incipitarium Ovidianum," Journal of Medieval Latin 12 (2002) 154-180.
"Ovid's Transformation in Medieval France, c. 1100-c.1350," in Metamorphosis. The Changing Face of Ovid in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. Alison Keith and Stephen Rupp (Toronto, 2007) 33-60.
"Failed Chastity and Ovid: Myrrha in the Latin Commentary Tradition from Antiquity to the Renaissance," in Chastity, ed. Nancy van Deusen (Leiden, 2008) 7-35.
"Procne and Philomela in the Latin Commentary Tradition of the Middle Ages," Euphrosyne 36 (2008) 181-196.
"Addenda and Corrigenda to Incipitarium Ovidianum II," Journal of Medieval Latin 20 (2010) 1-17.
“Renaissance Latin Commentaries on the Iudicium armorum,” Studi umanistici Piceni 30 (2010) 91-100.
“The Catena Commentary and its Renaissance Progeny,” Manuscripta 54 (2010) 153-170
“Ovid's Metamorphoses in the school tradition of France, 1180–1400: texts, manuscript traditions, manuscript settings,” in Ovid in the Middle Ages, edd. James Clark, Frank T. Coulson, Kathryn McKinley (Cambridge, 2011) 48-82.
“William of Thiegiis’s “Commentary on the Metamorphoses,” in Vehicles of Transmission, Translation, and Transformation in Medieval Textual Culture, ed. Robert Wisnovsky, et al. Cursor Mundi, vol. 4 (Turnhout, 2012) 293-311.
“Codices Latini Ohienses (I): Latin Manuscripts in the William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library of the Ohio State University” Manuscripta 56 (2012) 157-226.
“Reading the Classics in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance: New Manuscript Discoveries,” in Cicero Refused to Die: Ciceronian Influence through the Centuries, ed. Nancy van Deusen (Leiden, 2013), pp. 21-38.
“Editing Medieval Latin Commentaries: Problems and Perspectives,” in Ars Edendi Lecture Series, vol. III, edd. Eva Odelman and Denis Searby (Stockholm, 2013) 105-130.
“Pomponio Leto as a commentator on Ovid,” in Vitae Pomponianae: Lives of Classical Writers in Fifteenth-Century Roman Humanism, ed. Marianne Pade, Renaissance Forum 9 (2015)107-116.
“Bernardo Moretti: a newly discovered commentator on Ovid’s Ibis,” in The Afterlife of Ovid, edd. John North and Peter Mack (London, 2015) 43-59.
“Ovidiana from the Wittenberg Collegium in the Ratsschulbibliothek of Zwickau,” Paideia rivista de filologia, ermeneutica e critica letteraria 70 (2015) 43-57.
“Myth and Allegory in the Vulgate Commentary on Ovid,” in Lire les mythes Formes,usages et visées des pratiques mythographiques de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, edd. Arnaud Zucker, Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Jean-Yves Tilliette, Gisèle Besson (Villeneuve d’Ascq, 2016) 199-224.
“Literary Criticism in the Vulgate Commentary,” in Medieval Textual Cultures: Agents of Transmission, Translation and Transformation, ed. Faith Wallis and Robert Wisnovsky (Berlin, 2016) 121-132.
“The Story of Byblis in the Vulgate Commentary on the Metamorphoses,” Vivam! Estudios sobre la Obra de Ovidio. Studies on Ovid’s Poetry, edd. L. Rivero, M.C. Álvarez. R.M. Iglesias, J.A. Estévez (Huelva, 2018) 223-235.
“The Allegories in the Vulgate Commentary,” in Ovidius explanatus. Traduire et commenter les Métamorphoses au Moyen Âge, edd. S. Biancardi, P. Deleville,F. Montorsi, M. Possamaï-Pérez (Paris, 2018) 23-38.
“The Story of Iphis in the Middle Ages and Renaissance,” Presses Universitaires de France. (forthcoming)
“Cataloguing the Medieval and Renaissance Latin Commentaries on Ovid: New Manuscript Discoveries,” (transliterated and translated into Chinese for a volume with Peking University Press)
“Le myth de Pythagore dans le commentaire Vulgat sur les Métamorphoses,” Anabases 29 (2019) 215-224.
“Reading Ceyx and Alcyone in the Medieval School Tradition on Ovid,” The Lives of Latin Texts. Papers Presented to Richard J. Tarrant, edd. L. Curtis and I. Peirano Garrison (Cambridge, MA 2020) 129-147.
"The Reception of Ovid in the High Middle Ages and Renaissance: New Manuscript Discoveries,” New Frontiers of Research on the Roman Poet Ovid in a Global Context (Beijing 2021) 111-123. (transliterated and translated into Chinese for a volume with Peking University Press).
“Telling Tales: The “Song of the Muses” in “Of latine and of othire lare.” Essays in Honour of David R. Carlson, edd. R. Firth Green and R.F. Yeager (Toronto 2022) 27-44.
“The Interventionist Editor(s) of Vatican City, BAV, 1598,” Plurima sub falso, tegmina vera latent: The Embarrassments of Interdisciplinarity. Book in honour of Professor Wilken Engelbrecht. A. Flor-Górecka and K. Křížová, eds. (Lublin 2022) 67-79.
“Brussels, KBR 2100: A Hitherto Unexplored Medieval Latin Commentary on the Metamorphoses,” Dictynna 19 (2022) 1-14.
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