Anyone interested in obtaining scans of Center materials should email or call 614-292-3280 and we'll be happy to assist you.
Epigraphy Collections

Greek Squeeze Collection
Latin Squeeze Collection
Greek Photo Catalog
Latin Photo Catalog
J.M.R. Cormack Macedonian Collection - Squeezes
AGORA PUBLISHED. Agora Inventory Numbers with their Place of Publication
Department of Classics Roman Coin Collection

Department of Classics Roman Coin Collection
Palaeography Collections

Collection of Manuscripts on microfilm and other media
Grundy Steiner Collection: Microfilm
Julian Plante Collection of library catalogs, offprints, and other materials
Marjorie Curry Woods Research Collection: Microfilm, Papers, Notes, Books, Articles
Robert G. Babcock Collection: Microfilm
Virginia Brown Collection: General correspondence and papers
Virginia Brown Collection: Beneventan papers
Virginia Brown Collection: Microfilm