Julian Plante Collection of Library Catalogs, Offprints, and other materials

PUBLISHED CATALOGS (by city or collection):

  • Antiquariaat Forum. On the Threshold of Modern Times. Over 500 rare books, prints, manuscripts, drawings and a painting, ca. 1600-1850. Catalogue 107. Utrecht 2002. LOC: Z6941 A58 2002
  • Barcelona. Sanabre, J. El Archivo Diocesano de Barcelona. Barcelona 1947. LOC: CD1879 B375 S26 1947
  • Barcelona. Butlletì de la Biblioteca de Catalunya. Vol. 6, num. 9 (1920-1922). Barcelona 1925. LOC: Z945 B53 v.7-9 no.9
  • Boston. Oliver, J. Manuscripts Sacred and Secular from the collections of the Endowment for Biblical Research and Boston University. Boston 1985. LOC: Z6621 E56 E53 1985
  • Cape Town. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Grey Collection. A Preliminary Catalogue. South African Library. Cape Town 1984. LOC: Z6621 S6932 G737 1984
  • Columbus, OH. Matejic, M. Slavic Manuscripts from the Fekula Collection: A Description. Columbus, OH 1983. LOC: Z6605 S49 M37 1983 c.5
  • Firenze. Rossi, E. Indici e Cataloghi. IV. I Codici Palatini della R. Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. Vol. II: Indici. Roma 1940. LOC: Z6621 F61 P28 1889 v.2 c.2
  • Kalamazoo, MI. Books of the Obrecht Collection. A selection of volumes from the Obrecht Collection of the Institute of Cistercian Studies Library at Western Michigan University. For the exhibit: Art of the Monastic Copyist, Kalamazoo Institute of the Arts. Kalamazoo 1978. LOC: Z240 M63 1978
  • Killiney. Dillon, M., C. Mooney, P. de Brún. Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Franciscan Library Killiney. Dublin 1969. LOC: Z6621 F7 F73 c.2
  • Köln. Göller, G. Die Leiblsche Sammlung. Katalog der Musikalien der Kölner Domcapelle. Beiträge zur Rheinischen Musikgeschichte 57. Köln 1964. LOC: ML128 C54 G64 1964
  • Lincoln. Woolley, R.M. Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Lincoln Cathedral Chapter Library. Oxford 1927. LOC: Z6621 L74 1927
  • Lisboa. Inventàrio Dos Còdices Alcobacenses 1-5. Lisbon 1930-1932. LOC: Z6621 L7 A3 v.1-5 c.2
  • Lisboa. Inventàrio Dos Còdices Alcobacenses 6 (Indices). Lisbon 1978. LOC: Z6621 L7 A3 v.6
  • Madrid. Inventario de Codices y Documentos Microfilmados (1964-1974). Madrid 1975. LOC: Z265 S6 1975
  • Milano. Gabriel, A.L. The Ambrosiana Collection at the University of Notre Dame. The Frank M. Folsom Ambrosiana Microfilm and Photographic Collection. An exhibition of selected manuscript leaves and miniatures from the 9th to the 16th century, master drawings from the 15th to the 17th century a photographic documentation. Chicago c.1976. LOC: N4010 N67 N673 c.2
  • München. Daniel, N., G. Kornrumpf, and G. Schott. Die Handscriften der Universitätsbibliothek München III.1: Die lateinischen mittelalterlichen Handschriften aus der Folioreihe. Wiesbaden 1974. LOC: Z6621 M937 U55 1968 v.3 pt.1
  • New Haven. Cahn, W. and J. Marrow. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts at Yale: A Selection. Yale University Library Gazette 52.4 (1978). LOC: Z6621 Y34 C3 c.2
  • Paris. Delisle, L. Inventaire Général et Méthodeique des Manuscrits Français de la Bibliothèque Nationale. I: Théologie. Paris 1876. LOC: Z6621 P22 F83 1876
  • Sevilla. Heredia Herrera, A. Catalogo de las Consultas del Consejo de Indias. 2 vols. Madrid 1983. LOC:CD1859 S3 A54 1972
  • Thompson, H.Y. A Descriptive Catalogue of Twenty Illumin ated Manuscripts Nos. LXXV to XCIV. (Replacing Twenty Discarded from the Original Hundred): in the Collection of Heny Yates Thompson. Cambridge 1907. LOC: Z6623 T592 1907


  • Arbesmann, R. Augustine’s Heritage: Our Saints. King City, Ontario 1978.
  • Association pour l’ Antiquité tardive. Bulletin no. 9 (2000). (Files in steel holders on shelf)
  • Atlas for the commonwealth of the Bahamas. (no date)
  • Benario, H. W. The Classical Association of the Middle West and South. A History of the First Eighty Years. Greenville, SC 1989.
  • Bennet, M. B. The Abbey Library of St. Gall, Switzerland. Palm Springs, CA 1965.
  • Blackwell’s. Bibliography and Palaeography. Catalogue No. 750. Oxford 1962.
  • Blackwell’s. Bibliography and Palaeography. Cataloque No. 779. Oxford 1964.
  • Bulletin d’ information et de liaison 18 (1990)- 36 (2003). (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Busa, L.  Pubblicazioni al 31 Luglio 1968 [1968]. original imprint.
  • Busa, R. Pubblicazioni [1949-1973]. mimeograph.
  • Charles Scribner’s Sons. The Making of a Book. New York 1935.
  • Crossley-Holland, K. We, The Story. Traditional Tales that Relate Us. St. Paul 1992. (2 copies)
  • Cyrillus-Fables. A newly Discovered Illustrated Manuscript of the Cyrillus-Fables in Ulrich von Pottenstein’s Millde High German Translation from the Collection of a Continental Nobleman. ‘ t Goy-Houten, The Netherlands 1998. (Files in steel holders on shelf)
  • Francesco d’ Assisi. Mostre in Umbria l’ VIII centenario. Assisi 1981-1982.
  • Graham, R. A. Pius XII’s Defense of Jews and Others: 1944-45. Milwaukee 1982.
  • Gross, C. A Brief Bibliography of English History Mainly Constitutional, 449-1485, with a Continuation to 1688 and a Syllabus. Minneapolis 1902.
  • Hémecht 1 (1983). Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte 35. (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Jeffery, P.  A Bibliography for Medieval and Renaissance Musical Manuscript Research. Secondary Materials at the Alcuin Library and the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, St. John’s University Collegeville, Minnesota. Collegeville, MN 1980.
  • Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 1 (1980) (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 1 (1980) (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Kristeller, P.O. Aristotelismo e Sincretismo nel Pensiero di Pietro Pomponazzi. Padova 1983.
  • Jay C. Leff Collection. Exotic Art from Ancient and Primitive Civilizations. A Selection from the Collection of Jay C. Leff. New York 1960. (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Logos. A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture. Spring 1997. (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Minnesota, University of. Mirror of the Middle Ages. Studies in Medieval Art and Life. University Gallery, Northrop Auditorium, third floor galleries. March 30- April 30, 1978.
  • Minnesota, University of. The Telling Image. Emblem Books, Imprese, and devices of the 16th-18th Centuries. An Exhibition, April 3-May 18, 1989.
  • Mitteilungsblatt des Mediävistenverbandes. Vol. 11.1-2 (1994) – 12.1-2 (1995). (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Moody, T. W., F. X. Martin, F. J. Byrne eds. A New History of Ireland III: Early Modern Ireland, 1534-1691. Oxford 1976 (bound photocopy) (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • National Gallery of Ireland. Exhibition of Manuscripts, 23 Aug.-16 Sept. 1984.
  • Neumüller, W. and K. Holter. Die Mittelalterlichen Bibliotheksverzeichnisse des Stiffes Kremsmünster. Linz 1950.
  • New Wyclif Society Newsletter, no. 1 (1979).
  • New Wyclif Society Newsletter, no. 2 (1980).
  • New York Public Library. 64 Treasures for the Fair. New York 1964.
  • Oriens Christianus 62 (1978) (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Pontifical Institute of Medieaval Studies. The President’s Report 1991-1992. Toronto 1991-1992.
  • Robertson, J.C. Latin Songs and Carols (Toronto 1934, 1945).
  • SAN. Journal of the Society for Ancient Numismatics 1.2 (1969) (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Studia Papyrologica 17.2 (1978). (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Vööbus Collection. Dedication of the Institute of Syriac Manuscript Studies of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Incorporating the Professor Arthur Vööbus Collection, October 18-20, 1979. (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Zürich. The Swiss National Museum, Zurich. Zurich 1966.


  • Allison, R.W. Review of Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten, 800-1600, 2: Handschriften aus Bibliotheken Frankreichs und Nachträge zu den Bibliotheken Grossbritanniens (Vienna 1989) by E. Gamillscheg and D. Harlfinger in Speculum 66.3 (1991) 679-683. (photocopy)
  • Amiet, R. “Inventaire des manuscrits liturgiques conservés dans les bibliothèques et les archives de Turin,” Scriptorium 33.1 (1979) 84-89. (photocopy)
  • Amiet, R. “Manuscrits liturgiques des XVe et XVIe siècles acquis par la Bibliothèque Municipale des Grenoble entre 1902 et 1978,” Scriptorium 36.1 (1982) 111-117. (photocopy)
  • Anderson, W. S. “Recent Work in Roman Satire (1937-55),” Classical Weekly 50.3 (1956) 33-40.
  • Anderson, W. S. “Recent Work in Roman Satire (1955-62),” Classical World 57.7 (1964) 293-301.
  • Anderson, W. S. “Recent Work in Roman Satire (1955-62),” Classical World 57.8 (1964) 343-348.
  • de Andrós, G. “Catalogo de los manuscritos de la Biblioteca del Duque de Uceda,” Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museus 78.1 (1975) 5-40. (photocopy)
  • Arbagi, M. Review of Handbuch der Byzantinistik (Graz 1989) by O. Mazal in Speculum 66.4 (1991) 920-921. (photocopy)
  • Arbesmann, R. “The ‘Cervuli’and ‘Anniculae’ in Caesarius of Arles,” Traditio 35 (1979) 89-119.
  • Arbesmann, R. “Drei Augustinusfragmente aus einem Homiliar des eiften Jahrhunderts,” Scientia Augustiniana (1975) 3-11.
  • Arbesmann, R. “Some Notes on the Fourteenth-century History of the Augustinian Order,” Analecta Augustiniana 40 (1977) 61-78.
  • Aris, R. “The Ampersand in Script & Print,” An essay in honour of The Ampersand Club on the occasion of its semicentenary (Minneapolis 1980). (photocopy)
  • Aris, R. “Chemical Engineering and the Liberal Arts Today,” A lecture in the Phillips Petroleum Company Lecture Series in Chemical Engineering given at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, April 26, 1991.
  • Aris, R. “Mabillon, Jean,” for Dictionary of Medieval Scholarship (undated) 1-22.
  • Austin, R. G. “A Bibliography of Virgil,” J.A.C.T. Paper No. 1. First issued 1963, rev. June, 1968. mimeograph.
  • Austin, G. Review of Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office: A Guide to Their Organization and Terminology (Buffalo 1982) by A. Hughes in Catholic Historical Review 70.2 (1984) 286-287. (photocopy)
  • Autenrieth, J. Review of Die südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit. II: Die vorwiegend österreichischen Diözesen (Wiesbaden 1980) by B. Bischoff in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 19 (1984) 266-268. (photocopy)
  • Avrin, L. Review of Scribes, Script and Books: The Book Arts from Antiquity to the Renaissance (Chicago 1991) by unknown reviewer in AB Bookman’s Weekly (July 22, 1991) 268. (photocopy)
  • Baader P. “Die Brentano-Sammlung und die übrigen handschriftlichen Bestande der Universitätsbibliothek Mainz,” Jahrbuch der Vereinigung ‘Freunde der Universität Mainz’ 9 (1960) 9, 16-17. (photocopy)
  • Baldwin, B. Review of Schreiben und Lesen in Byzanz: Die byzantinische Buchkultur (Munich 1989) by H. Hunger in Speculum 65.3 (1990) 702-704. (photocopy)
  • Balletto, L. “La Biblioteca del Convento dei Domenicani di Taggia,” Società Savonese di Storia Patria. Atti e Memorie, 2nd series, vol. 10 (1976) 135-177. (photocopy)
  • Baltimore Museum of Art. Review of 2,000 Years of Calligraphy (Baltimore 1972) in Times Literary Supplement (September 22, 1972) 1123. (in TLS folder)
  • Barbiche, B. Review of Comment transcrire et interpréter les références juridiques (droit romain, droit canonique et droit coutumier) contenues dans les ouvrages du XVIe siècle (Geneva 1985) by M. Reulos in Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 48.3 (1986) 779-780. (photocopy)
  • Barker, N. Reviews of Scribes and Scholars. A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature (Oxford 1974) by L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson and The Classical Text (Los Angeles 1974) by E.J. Kenney in Times Literary Supplement (August 15, 1975) 927. (in TLS folder)
  • Barker, N. Review of Two Renaissance Book Hunters. The Letters of Poggius Bracciolini to Nicolaus de Niccolis (New York 1974) by P.W.G. Gordon, ed. in Times Literary Supplement (July 30, 1976) 965. (in TLS folder)
  • Barker-Benfield, B. Review of Essays on Manuscripts and Rare Books (Hamden, CT 1975) by C.E. Lutz in Times Literary Supplement (July 30, 19976) pp.? (in TLS folder)
  • Barlow, C.W. Review of Latin Bookhands of the Later Middle Ages: 1100-1500 (Cambridge 1969) by S.H. Thomson in Classical Folia 26.1 (1972) 139-141. (photocopy)
  • Bausi, A. “I Manoscritti Etiopici di J.M. Wansleben nella Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze,” Rassegna di Studi Etiopici 33 (1989) 5-33. (photocopy)
  • Beneventan. “Nuove testimonianze di scrittura beneventana,” Studi Medievali 21.1 (3rd ser.) (1980) 423-451. Various authors. (photocopy)
  • Berger, S.E. “The Dating of Medieval Manuscripts,” Handout at Kalamazoo Conference (May 4, 1979). (mimeograph)
  • Bergh, B. “Paleography and Textual criticism,” Scripta Minora (1979-1980, 2) 5-33.
  • Berschin, W. “Die in Valentin Roses Katalog beschriebenen Berliner Handschriften und ihr Verbleib,” Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 22 (1987) 334-348. (photocopy)
  • Bibolet, Fr. and R. Pionnier. “Bibliothèque de Provins: 2e supplément au catalogue des manuscrits,” Société d’histoire et d’archéologie de l’Arondissement de Provins. Bulletin, no 125. (1971) 67-77. (photocopy)
  • Bieler, L. “The Grammarian’s Craft. An Introduction to Textual Criticism,” Classical Folia: Studies in the Christian Perpetuation of the Classics (1965) 3-47.
  • Biemans, Jos.A.A.M. Review of Middeleeuwse handschriftenkunde in de Nederlanden 1988. Verslag von de Groningse Codicologendagen 28-29 april 1988 (Grave 1989) by Jos. M.M. Hermans in Quaerendo 21.2 (1991) 144-147. (photocopy)
  • Bignami-Odier, J. Review of Scrittura, biblioteche e stampa a Roma nel Quattrocento: aspetti e problemi. Atti del seminario, 1-2 giugno 1979 (Città del Vaticano 1980) by C. Bianca, P. Farenga, et al., eds. in Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes 140 (1982) 304-310. (photocopy)
  • Bischoff, B. “Paläographie mit besonderer Berüchsichtigung des deutschen Kulturgebietes,” Deutsche Philologie in Aufriss, 2: überarbeitete Auflage Unveränderter Nachdruck, ed. by W. Stammler, band I (1957) 379-452. (2 photocopies)
  • Bishop, T.A.M. “Bibliographical Note: An Early Example of Insular-Caroline,” Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 4, part 5 (1968) 396-400. (photocopy)
  • Bishop, T.A.M. Review of English Caroline Minuscule (Oxford 1971) in Times Literary Supplement (January 7, 1972) 20. (3 copies) (in TLS folder)
  • Bishop, W. W. Cataloging as an Asset. An Address to the New York State Library School, May 1, 1915. Baltimore 1916.
  • Blenkner, L. “Sin, Psychology, and the Structure of ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’,” Studies in Philology 74 (1977) 354-387. (bound photocopy)
  • Bloch, H. “The Bombardment of Monte Cassino (February, 14-16, 1944). A new Appraisal,” Benedictina 20 (1973) 383-424.
  • Bouwsma, W. J. “The Interpretation of Renaissance Humanism,” Service Center for Teachers of History, no 18 (c. 1959) 1-24.
  • Blow, J. “Some Conclusions about Capital Letters in Monte Cassino Manuscripts of the Desiderian and Oderisian Periods (1058-1106),” Manuscripta 23 (1979) 142-148. (photocopy)
  • Boge, H. “Die Überlieferung der griechischen Tachygraphie,” Studia Codicologica (1977) 99-108. (photocopy)
  • Bohigas, P. “El Tercer Coloquio Internacional de Paleografía (Paris, 25-27 mayo 1966),” Anuario de Estudios Medievales 3 (1966) 755-756. (photocopy)
  • Bond, W.H. Review of Selected Essays on the History of Letter-Forms in Manuscript and Print (Cambridge and New York 1981) by S. Morison in Speculum 58.3 (1983) 787-788. (photocopy)
  • Borraro, P. “Codici incunabili e cinquecentine di autori cristiani antichi nelle biblioteche lucane,” Studi meridionali 10 (1977) 157-167. (photocopy)
  • Bourgain, P. “Sur l’Édition des Textes Littérairs Latins Médiévaux,” Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes 150 (1992) 5-49. (photocopy)
  • Brandes, J. “The German Script,” Source unidentified. (2 photocopies)
  • Brearley, D.G. “Texts and Studies in Latin Orthography to 1977,” Classical World 72.7 (1979) 385-392. (photocopy)
  • Brevoort, J.C. “Spanish American Documents, printed or inedited,” Magazine of American History 3 (1879) 175-178. (photocopy)
  • Brieger, P.H. Review of The Trinity College Apocalypse. Facsimile. An introduction and description (London 1967) by unidentified reviewer in unidentified source. (photocopy)
  • Brown, J. Review of Rotoli di Exultet dell’Italia Meridionale (Bari 1973) by G. Cavallo in Times Literary Supplement (October 31, 1975) 1312. (in TLS folder)
  • Brucker, G.A. Review of Renaissance Society and Culture. Essays in Honor of Eugene F. Rice, Jr. (New York 1991) ed. by J. Monfasani and R.G. Musto in The Catholic Historical Review 78.2 (1992) 290-291. (photocopy)
  • Burghardt, W. J. “The Literature of Christian Antiquity: 1955-1959,” Theological Studies 21.1 (1960) 62-91.
  • Bursill-Hall, G. Reviews of A Short History of Linguistics (London 1967) by R. H. Robins; Les grands courants de la linguistique moderne (Bruxelles 1963) by M . Leroy; and Trends in Linguistics (The Hague 1965) by M. Ivič in Glossa 4.2 91970) 229-243.
  • Carnocahn, W. B. “Some suppressed verses in Dryden’s translation of Juvenal VI,” Times Literary Supplement, London, January 21, 1972, pp 73ff. (photocopy)
  • Carruba, R. W. “The Preface to Juvencus’ Biblical Epic: A Structural Study,” American Journal of Philology 114.2 (1993) 303-312.
  • Carruba, R. W. “The Symmetry of Horace, Odes 3, 16,” Museum Helveticum 47 (1990) 139-148.
  • Catich, E.M. Review of The Lorsch Gospels. Facsimile edition (New York 1968) in Liturgical Arts 36.4 (1968) 118-119. (photocopy)
  • Catich, E.M. Review of The Origin of the Serif (Davenport, IA 1968) in Times Literary Supplement (November 20, 1969) 1344. (in TLS folder)
  • Cennini, C.d’A. “Preface” and “A Short Section on Illuminating: First, How to Gild on Parchment,” from The Craftsman’s Handbook, The Italian Il Libro dell’Arte, trans. by D.V. Thompson, Jr. (New York 1954) ix-xxvii and 100-101. (photocopy)
  • Christianson, C.P. Review of A Directory of London Stationers and Book Artisans, 1300-1500 (New York 1990) by unidentified reviewer in AB Bookman’s Weekly (July 22, 1991) 270.
  • Churchill, W. J. “Per una Edizione Critica degli ‘Annales Barenses’ e degli ‘Annales Lupi Protospatharii’,” Bollettino del Comitato per la preparazione dell’ edizione nazionale dei classici greci e latini n.s., fasc. 27 (1979) 113-137.
  • Ciccarelli, D. Review of Paläographie 1981. Colloquium des Comité International de Paléographie. München 15-18 September 1981 (München 1982) ed. by G. Silagi in Schede Medievali 5 (1983) 510-511. (photocopy)
  • Clement, R.W. “Codicology as an Introduction to Medieval Literature,” Teaching the Middle Ages II (Warrensburg, MO 1985) 161-169. (photocopy) (2 copies)
  • Codex Sinaiticus. “Rescuing the Codex Sinaiticus,” The Watchtower (October 15, 1988) 30.
  • Colledge, E. and J. C. Marler, “‘Cepahlologie’: A Recurring Theme in Classical and Mediaeval Lore,” Traditio 37 (1981) 411-426.
  • Colledge, E. “‘Dominus Cuidam Devotae Suae’: A Source for Pseudo-Bonaventure,” Franciscan Studies 36, annual XIV (1976) 105-107.
  • Colledge, E. and J. C. Marler “‘Tractatus Magistri Johannis Gerson de Mistica Theologia’: St. Pölten, Diözesanarchiv MS. 25,” Mediaeval Studies 41 (1979) 354-386.
  • Collins, F., Jr. “The Home of the Fleury Playbook,” Comparative Drama 14,4 (1980-1981) 312-320.
  • Colophons. Typewritten description of colophons.
  • Colton, R. E. “Juvenal and Propertius,” Traditio 23 (1967) 442-461.
  • Corbett, P.B. “Local Variations of Spelling in Latin MSS,” Studia Patristica I. Papers presented to the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1955, part 1 (1957) 188-193.
  • La coronica. Spanish Medieval Langauge and Literature Newsletter 6.1 (1977) and 7.2 (1979) (Filed in steel holders on shelf)
  • Corrie, R.W. “The Conradin Bible: East Meets West in Messina,” The Meeting of Two Worlds: Cultural Exchange Between East and West during the Period of the Crusades (1986) 295-307. (photocopy)
  • Coulson, F.T. “The Citing of Manuscript Shelfmarks: A Modest Proposal,” Classical World 82.1 (1988) 31-34. (photocopy)
  • Cox, R.J. Review of Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Introduction to Palaeography (New York 1981) by B.M. Metzger in Manuscripts 34.3 (1982) 217-218. (photocopy)
  • Crean, J. E. “‘Obsculta, O Fili/Hör, O Tochter’: Gender Modification in a 1505 ‘Rule of Saint Benedict’,” Classical Folia 31 (1977) 153-162. (2 copies)
  • Cresci, G.F. Review of A Renaissance Alphabet. Il Perfetto Scrittore, Parte Seconda (Madison, WI 1971) in Times Literary Supplement (January 14, 1972) p.?
  • Cunningham, M. P. Reviews of Forschungen zur römischen Literatur: Festschrift zum 60. geburtstag von Karl Büchner (Wiesbaden 1970) by W. Wimmel, ed. and L’ Expresion narrative chez les historiens latins: Histoire d’ un style (Paris 1969) by J.-P. Chausserie-Laprée in Classical Philology 68.2 (1973) 134-136.
  • D., L. Review of “Monastische Profanbildung in der Zeit von Augustinus bis Benedikt,” Römische Historische Mitteilungen 10 (1966-1967) 12-42 by F. Weissengruber in Cistercian Studies 8.3 (1973) 50, nr. 75. (photocopy)
  • Daitz, S.G. Review of Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World. BICS Supplement 46 (London 1987) by E.G. Turner in Classical World 82.6 (1989) 477-478. (2 photocopies)
  • Danzi, M. Review of Critica testuale ed esegesi del testo. Studi in onore di Marco Boni (Bologna 1984) in Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 48.1 (1986) 215-218. (photocopy)
  • Decker, A. “Die Hildebold’sche Manuskriptensammlund des Kölner Doms,” Festschrift der 43. Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner dargeboten von den Höheren Lebranstalten Kölns (1895) 215-251. (photocopy)
  • de la Mare, A.C. Review of The Handwriting of Italian Humanists, vol. 1, fasc. 1 (Oxford 1973) in Times Literary Supplement (October 19, 1973) 1288. (in TLS folder)
  • Dennis, R.G. Review of Introduction á la codicologie (Louvain-La-Neuve 1989) by J. Lemaire in Speculum 67.1 (1992) 183-184. (photocopy)
  • Derolez, A. Review of The handwriting of Italian humanists, vol. I, fasc. i (Oxford 1973) by A.C. de la Mare in Quaerendo 7.4 (1977) 359-360. (photocopy)
  • De Strycker, E. “Notes sur l’abréviation des ‘nomina sacra’ dans des manuscrits hagiographiques grecs,” Studia Codicologia (Berlin 1977) 461-467. (photocopy)
  • De Vogüé, A. “Sur le texte des Dialogues de saint Grégoire le Grand. L’utilisation du manuscrit de Milan par les éditeurs,” Latinität und Alte Kirche. Festschrift für Rudolf Hanslik zum 70. Geburtstag (1977) 326-335. (photocopy)
  • Diest, Belgium. “Manuscripts from Churches and Monasteries at Diest,” Quaerendo 14.1 (1984) 77-78. (photocopy)
  • Dogaer, G. Review of Andachtsbücher des Mittelalters aus Privatbesitz (Köln 1987) by J.K. Plotzek, ed. in Quaerendo 20.3 (1990) 243-244. (photocopy)
  • Dogaer, G. Review of Codici miniati fiamminghi e olandesi nelle Biblioteche dell’Italia nord-orientale (Vicenza 1981) by C. Limintani Virdis in Quaerendo 15.4 (1985) 308-310. (2 photocopies)
  • Dogaer, G. Review of An introduction to illuminated manuscripts (London 1983) by J. Hartan in Quaerendo 19.1-2 (1989) 149-150. (2 photocopies)
  • Dressler, F. “Handschriften in fränkischen Bibliothen. Die Beständ und ihre Erschliessung,” Jahrbuch für Frankische Landesforschung 43 (1983) 1-20. (photocopy)
  • Dressler, F. “Rezensionen zu den Handschriften-Katalogen,” Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 27 (1980) 492-51. (photocopy)
  • Dreyfus, J. Review of Ornamental Initials. A catalogue of the woodcut initials of Christopher Plantin (New York 1974) by S. Harvard in Times Literary Supplement (November 29, 1974) 1338. (in TLS folder)
  • Drogin, M. “Appendix: A Confusion of Books," from Anathema! Medieval Scribes and the History of Book Curses (1983) 112-128. (photocopy)
  • Drogin, M. Book announcement for Anathema! Medieval Scribes and the History of Book Curses (1983).
  • Drysdall, D.L. “Abréviations et Lettres Ligaturées Utilisées dans les Imprimés Grecs de la Renaissance,” Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 51.2 (1989) 393-403. (photocopy)
  • Dublin, Ireland. The Long Room and the Book of Kells. Trinity College Library, Dublin. Brochure.
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  • Poulle, E. Review of Catalogo dei manuscritti in scrittura latina datati o databili per indicazione di anno, di luogo o di copista I (Torino 1971) by V. Jemolo, ed. in Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 35 (1973) 611-614. (photocopy)
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  • Poulle, E. Review of Katalog des datierten Handschriften in der Schweiz in lateinischer Schrift von Anfang des Mittelalters bis 1550. I. II, Die Handschriften der Bibliotheken Bern-Porrentruy (Dietikon-Zürich 1983) in Bibliothèque Humanisme et Renaissance 46 (1984) 481-484. (photocopy)
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  • Ralph: for Medieval-Renaissance Teaching. Vol. 5, no. 2 (Central Missouri State University, 1978). Partial contenrs: C. B. Hieatt, “ Do-It-Yourself Medieval Feast;” R. L. Kuschmierz, “Harvest Home Feast ‘As You Like It’;” E. D. Kenndy, “Arthurian literature for undergraduates;” “Reproductions form a rare Newberry Library Manuscript;” and reviews.
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  • Rosenthal, E. The Illuminations of the Vergilius Romanus (Zurich 1972) in Times Literary Supplement (January 26, 1973) 96. (in TLS folder)
  • Ross, B. Review of English Cursive Book Hands 1250-1500 (Oxford 1969) by M.B. Parkes in Medievalia et Humanistica n.s. 2 (1971) 153-163. (photocopy)
  • Ross, B. Review of Latin Bookhands of the Later Middle Ages 1100-1500 (Cambridge 1969) by A.H. Thompson in Medievalia et Humanistica n.s. 2 (1971) 153-163. (photocopy)
  • Ross, B. Review of Latin Palaeography: Antiquity and the Middle Ages, trans. by D. Ó Cróinín and D. Ganz (Cambridge 1990) by B. Bischoff in Speculum 66.1 (1991) 121-122. (photocopy)
  • Ross, B. Review of Paläographie des römischen Altertums und des abendländischen Mittelalters (Berlin 1979) by B. Bischoff in Speculum 57.1 (1982) 118-121. (photocopy)
  • Ross, B. Review of Scriptura Gothica Libraria a Saeculo XII usque ad Finem Medii Aevi LCCCVII Imaginibus Illustrata (Munich and Vienna 1966) by J. Kirchner in Medievalia et Humanistica n.s. 2 (1971) 153-163. (photocopy)
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  • Salmon, P. “Nouvelle liste de manuscrits en écriture bénéventaine,” Studia Codicologica (1977) 401-405. (photocopy)
  • Samarrai, A. “Beyond belief and reverence: medieval mythological ethnography in the Near Eat and Europe,” Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 23.3 (1993) 19-42.
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  • Schaller, H.M. Review of Carolina romana e minuscola romanesca. Appunti per una storia della scrittura latina in Roma tra IX e XII secolo. Studi medievali, 3rd ser. 15 (1974) by P.S. Martini in Deutsches Archiv für Enforschung des Mittelalters 33.1 (1977) 265. (photocopy)
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