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All photographs are in the Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S. Gordon Collection unless otherwise indicated.

( ) = number of photos/slides in file
AJH = Slides gift of A.J. Heisserer
CLB = Gift of Charles L. Babcock
EDR = Epigraphic Database Roma

CIL III - Asia, Greece, Illyricum (Dacia, Pannonia, Moesia, etc.)

  • CIL 3.550/IG II2 3286 (= CIL I2 2.1, 693) – Bilingual dedication honoring the future emperor Hadrian, 112/3 CE (5)
  • CIL 3.566 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 693, 3.7304) – Dedication for Q. Minucius Rufus, ca. 110-106 BCE (+ notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.4310 (= CIL 6.3.10969) – Funerary inscription, ca. 171-173 CE
  • CIL 3.5773 – Altar dedication for Mercury by M. Paternius Vitalis, 211 CE – AJH
  • CIL 3.5775 – Dedication by Claudius Paternus Clementianus,  1st half of 2nd century CE – AJH (2)
  • CIL 3.5776 – Dedication by Claudius Paternus Clementianus, 1st half of 2nd century CE – AJH (+ translation by A.J. Heisserer)
  • CIL 3.5796 – Votive dedication to Pluto and Proserpina, date uncertain – AJH
  • CIL 3.5802 – Votive dedication, 203 CE – AJH (+ translation by A.J. Heisserer)
  • CIL 3.5839 (= CIL 3.11888) – Funerary inscription for Claudio Constantio and members of his family, date uncertain – AJH
  • CIL 3.5851 – Dedication for Vitalius Vigor, date uncertain – AJH
  • CIL 3.5881 – Dedication to Apollo Grannus, date uncertain – AJH
  • CIL 3.5992 (= CIL 17.4, 38) – Milestone, ca. 201 CE – AJH (+ translation by A.J. Heisserer)
  • CIL 3.6072 – Dedication to M. Calpurnius Rufus, ca. mid-2nd century CE – CLB (2)
  • CIL 3.6074 – Funerary inscription for M. Helvius Geminus, who died and was buried at Ephesus while serving as governor of the the province of Asia, after 54 CE – CLB
  • CIL 3.6085 (= CIL 3.7135) – Funerary chest of Titus Valerius Secundus, ca. 50-100 CE – CLB
  • CIL 3.6090 – Bilingual funerary inscription for P. Terentius Olympus, his wife, Octavia Paula, and their family, early 2nd century CE – CLB
  • CIL 3.6580 (= CIL 3.12045) – Dedication to Septimius Severus by veterans of the 2nd legion, after 194 CE – CLB (2)
  • CIL 3.7135 (= CIL 3.6085) – Funerary chest of Titus Valerius Secundus, ca. 50-100 CE – CLB
  • CIL 3.7222 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 740) – Fragment of a consular dedication, 74 BCE  (+ notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.7227 (top) + 3.7223 (bottom, in part) (= CIL I2: 2.1, 734, + CIL I2: 2.2, 2251) – Dedications, 78 CE  (2 + notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.7234 (= CIL I2 2.1, 711) – Inscribed base for equestrian (?) statue for L. Cornelius Sulla, 87 BCE  (3 + notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.7235 (= CIL I2 2.1, 712) – Inscribed statue base for L. Cornelius Sulla, 87 BCE  (+ notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.7237 (= CIL I2 2.1, 714, 3.13690) – Fragments of an inscribed statue base for L. Licinius Lucullus, 87-80 BCE  (3 + notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.7238 (= CIL I2 2.1, 710) – Inscribed statue base for Q. Pompeius Rufus, 88 BCE (+ notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.7240 (= I2: 2.1, 738, 3.14203, 01) – Bilingual inscribed statue base for A. Terentius Varro, ca. 78-75 BCE  (+ notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.7304 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 693, 3.566) – Dedication for Q. Minucius Rufus, ca. 110-106 BCE (+ notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.10514 – Funerary inscription for Nertus, veteran of the ala I Hispanorum, with relief of cavalryman and horses, mid-1st century CE
  • CIL 3.10969 (= CIL 3.4310) – Funerary inscription, ca. 171-173 CE
  • CIL 3.11129 – Dedication to Jupiter Dolichenus, with relief of the god, 2nd century CE
  • CIL 3.11888 (= CIL 3.5839) – Funerary inscription for Claudio Constantio and members of his family, date uncertain – AJH
  • CIL 3.12045 (= CIL 3.6580) – Dedication to Septimius Severus by veterans of the 2nd legion, after 194 CE – CLB
  • CIL 3.12498 – Funerary inscription for T. Valerius Germanus, 2nd half of 1st century CE
  • CIL 3.13690 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 714, 3.7237) – Fragments of an inscribed statue base for L. Licinius Lucullus, 87-80 BCE  (3 + notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.14147, 5 – Trilingual dedication to the dei patriei and the Nile by C. Cornelius Gallus, first prefect of Egypt, mid-April, 29 BCE  (7, 3 slides CLB + notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.14203, 01 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 738, 3.7240) – Bilingual inscribed statue base for A. Terentius Varro, ca. 78-75 BCE  (+ notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.14203, 06 (= CIL I2 2.1, 705) – Inscription on a round base for C. Julius Caesar, son of Gaius, ca. 98-90 BCE (+ notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.14203, 22 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 622) – Dedication of L. Aemilus Paulus, 167 BCE  (3 + notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3.14203, 23 (= CIL I2 2.1, 692) – Dedication of M. Minucius Rufus, ca. 110 BCE  (+ notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 3, pp. 769-799 – Res gestae divi Augusti on the temple of Augustus and Rome at Ankara (Monumentum Ancyranum), 14 CE – 55 AEG (photos), CLB (slides) + guides to some of the photos and correspondence from Crawford H. Greenwalt to A.E. Gordon
  • CIL 3, pp. 802-803 – Preamble to Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices, 301 CE
  • CIL 3, p. 1913 – Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices, 301 CE


CIL IV - Pompeii

  • CIL 4.7224
  • CIL 4.7620, 7992-7993 – Painted graffiti announcing gladiatorial games along with an election notice for Satrius as quinquinnial, ca. 50-68 CE (?) – CLB - EDR072731