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All photographs are in the Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S. Gordon Collection (AEG) unless otherwise indicated.

( ) = number of photos/slides/negatives in file
AJH = Slides gift of A.J. Heisserer
CLB = Gift of Charles L. Babcock
EDR = Epigraphic Database Roma



  • 11 (2)
  • 2504


  • 1668 (5 AEG + 2 CLB) = Intro. 42
  • 2613
  • 6277
  • 6901
  • 7255
  • 8059
  • 8308


  • CIL 14.222*,3 (= CIL 6.396, CIL 6.30753) - EDR178541
  • CIL 14.2 sq (2) - EDR143739
  • CIL 14.16 sq (2) - EDR143923
  • CIL 14.38 - EDR144129
  • CIL 14.39
  • CIL 14.65 (+ 2 sq) = Album 247 - EDR143957
  • CIL 14.71 – Honorary inscription for a patron of the dendrophoroi, April 24, 196 CE - EDR163050
  • CIL 14.83
  • CIL 14.86 sq - EDR143798
  • CIL 14.92
  • CIL 14.97
  • CIL 14.98 – Record of Antoninus Pius building public baths with his own funds, along with funds promised by Hadrian, December, 138 CE (5) - EDR094043
  • CIL 14.110 + sq (2) - EDR146810
  • CIL 14.112 (1 CLB) + sq (2 AEG) = Album 256 - EDR143595
  • CIL 14.113 (2) - EDR094047
  • CIL 14.120 (= CIL 6.1049) – Dedication to Julia Domna Augusta, Mater Castrorum (Mother of the Camps) on a base, ca. 180-217 CE – CLB - EDR105697EDR105698
  • CIL 14.121 (= CIL 6.1050) – Dedication to Caracalla (M. Aurelius Antoninus) on a marble base, 196-197 CE – CLB - EDR105710EDR105711
  • CIL 14.139 (2) + sq (2) - EDR122143
  • CIL 14.153 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 810) – Statue base honoring M. Acilius Caminus, before 28 BCE  – AEG (4, with notes by A.E. Gordon) - EDR143567
  • CIL 14.167 - EDR144055
  • CIL 14.171 + sq (2) - EDR143610
  • CIL 14.245 = CIL 14.4536 - EDR121495EDR121498EDR121541EDR121545
  • CIL 14.250 - EDR158649
  • CIL 14.251 - EDR164516
  • CIL 14.252 sq (2) - EDR143852
  • CIL 14.278 (= CIL 14.4549, 3) – Mosaic inscription of the shipmasters who trade in wood, 50-140 CE – CLB - EDR110836
  • CIL 14.303 (= CIL 14.4620) – Dedication to P. Aufidius Fortis by the guild of grain merchants, 146 CE – CLB (2) - EDR072620
  • CIL 14.352b sq - EDR164814
  • CIL 14.353 (3) - EDR146341
  • CIL 14.358 - EDR107530
  • CIL 14.367 – AEG (4), CLB (1)  = Album 240 - EDR143569
  • CIL 14.371 - EDR143576
  • CIL 14.393 (2) - EDR143568
  • CIL 14.400 – CLB - EDR143566
  • CIL 14.421 - EDR146339
  • CIL 14.461 (cf. CIL 6.1159a and CIL 6.1159b) – Dedication on the front of a statue base to Constantius II by Memmius Vitrasius Orfitus, 353-355 CE (4) - EDR122209EDR126728
  • CIL 14.461, n. 2 (= CIL 6.1161, 6.36887) – One of two nearly identical dedications [with CIL 6.1162] to Constantius II by Memmius Vitrasius Orfitus, urban prefect and judge of appeals, 356-359 CE - EDR129238
  • CIL 14.565 - EDR151132
  • CIL 14.911 (= CIL 10.6569) – Bilingual epitaph for Sex. Varius Marcellus (father of Elagabalus), set up by his wife, Julia Soaemias Bassiana and their children, between April 8, 217 and May 16, 218 CE or soon after (3) - EDR147268
  • CIL 14.1000 - EDR111930EDR112231
  • CIL 14.1945 sq (2) - EDR144137
  • CIL 14.2088
  • CIL 14.2090 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 1430) – Dedication to Juno Sospita (?) by Q. Caecilius Flaminius, a freedman, end of 2nd–beginning of 1st century BCE (?) – AEG (4, with notes by A.E. Gordon) - EDR109670
  • CIL 14.2097mp – EDR109656
  • CIL 14.2109/ IG 14.1122 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 772) – Bilingual dedication for A. Terentius Varro Murena, 1st century BCE, before 23 BCE (?) – AEG (3, with notes and translation by A.E. Gordon) - EDR158450
  • CIL 14.2112 (6) - EDR078891
  • CIL 14.2215 – Temple inventory, not later than 1st century BCE - EDR146609
  • CIL 14.2218/IG 14.1121 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 743) – Column with bilingual inscription, 1st century BCE - EDR146802
  • CIL 14.2241 (= CIL 6.2015) – Fragments of the Fasti Feriarum Latinarum, 40-43 CE - EDR156506
  • CIL 14.2302
  • CIL 14.2390 – Fragment of the Fasti Sodalium Augustalium Claudialium, ca. 136 CE - EDR073575
  • CIL 14.2410 – Record on a statue base of the dedication of an assignment of land for this monument as well as sums of money paid to local officials for allowing the honoree to set up and paint a portrait of his sister, Manlia Severina, chief of the Alban Vestal Virgins, on a monument in front of the New Temple, December 24, 158 CE - EDR155630
  • CIL 14.2485 - EDR075558
  • CIL 14.2509 – Inscribed statue base honoring C. Iulius Asper from the province of Mauretania Tingitana, ca. 211 CE - EDR081998
  • CIL 14.2575 (= CIL I2:1, p. 216) – Fasti Tusculani – 1st century BCE - EDR160788
  • CIL 14.2601 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 616)
  • CIL 14.2602 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 781) – Funerary inscription for M. Coelius Vinicianus, mid-1st century BCE – AEG (8, with notes by A.E. Gordon) - EDR161558
  • CIL 14.2651 (3) - EDR168999
  • CIL 14.2721 (2) - EDR178722
  • CIL 14.2799 sq - EDR154857
  • CIL 14.2803 (= CIL 6.1491) – Fragments of an honorary inscription for Q. Pompeius Falco Sosius Priscus, 212-217 CE or 218-222 CE (9) - EDR111798
  • CIL 14.2917 (2) - EDR119771
  • CIL 14.2934 (8) + sq (5) = Album 338 - EDR119818
  • CIL 14.2935 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 613) – Dedication for Lucius Quinctius Leucado, 192 BCE  (3, including notes and a drawing) - EDR110719
  • CIL 14.2966 - EDR122067EDR169867
  • CIL 14.2972 sq (2) - EDR119783
  • CIL 14.3003 – Building record of M. Scurreius Fontinalis, priest of Fortuna Primigenia and head of a carpenters’ guild, and his son, Vestalis, ca. 117-138 CE - EDR120145
  • CIL 14.3573 - EDR131610
  • CIL 14.3586 CLB - EDR129880
  • CIL 14.3594 (2) + sq (6) - EDR129879EDR131377
  • CIL 14.3598
  • CIL 14.3606 - EDR129946
  • CIL 14.3607
  • CIL 14.3608 (2) - EDR129948
  • CIL 14.3610 – Inscription honoring C. Popilius Carus Pedo, 150-160 CE - EDR129870
  • CIL 14.3643 = Album 234 – AEG, CLB (13)
  • CIL 14.3681 – Epitaph for Venuleia Prima set up by P. Staedius Primus, magister of the cult of Hercules and Augustus, 1st century CE - EDR129972
  • CIL 14.3900 - EDR092752
  • CIL 14.3941 – Columbarium plaque for Calpurnia Heracleia, 2nd-3rd century CE – CLB (3) - EDR129073
  • CIL 14.3996 (= CIL 6.1533) – CLB - EDR029502
  • CIL 14.4012 - EDR150066
  • CIL 14.4074 (= CIL 6.31562g, 6.1251b) – Boundary marker from the restoration of the Aqua Marcia aqueduct, 11-4 BCE - EDR128110
  • CIL 14.4123 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 3) – Praeneste fibula, gold fibula – 7th century BCE (?) (possible forgery) (6, including correspondence between A.E. Gordon and Charles L. Babcock) - EDR111721EDR160876
  • CIL 14.4127 - EDR165862
  • CIL 14.4182a (= CIL I2: 2.1, 41) – Dedication to Diana by Marcus Livius, date uncertain - EDR129795
  • CIL 14.4232 – Fragment of the Fasti Gabini, after 22 BCE - EDR156578
  • CIL 14.4235 – Fragments of an inscription honoring Hadrian for the benefits he bestowed on Baetican Spain, 135 CE - EDR131527
  • CIL 14.4237 – Dedication on a base or altar honoring Manius Acilius Glabrio Cn. Cornelius Severus set up by the Senate and people of Tibur, ca. 168 CE - EDR092702
  • CIL 14.4239 + sq - EDR129872
  • CIL 14.4240 – Inscription honoring M. Lollius Paullinus Valerius Asiaticus Saturninus, ca. 90 CE (3) - EDR129912
  • CIL 14.4242 – Dedication to P. Manilius Vopiscus Vicinillianus on a statue base, ca. 114 CE - EDR129865
  • CIL 14.4243 – Fragment of a dedication to Q. Marcius Turbo, early 2nd century CE - EDR131512
  • CIL 14.4244 – Dedication to P. Mummius Sisenna Rutilius, 2nd century CE (2) - EDR129878
  • CIL 14.4245 – Inscription for L. Vipstanus Poplicola Messala, a freedman, mid-2nd century CE - EDR131548
  • CIL 14.4254a-b sq (5) - EDR129326
  • CIL 14.4256 – Inscription for M. Mucius Tiburtinus, 2nd century CE - EDR131515
  • CIL 14.4324 (2) - EDR072388
  • CIL 14.4386 – Dedication on a statue base to Julia Domna as patron of their barracks by a cohort of vigiles under their commander, Cn. Marcus Rustius Rufinus, 193-217 CE, probably 205-208 CE – Gift of Beth Hopkins - EDR106383
  • CIL 14.4387 – Statue base with dedication to Septimius Severus, 207 CE – CLB (2) - EDR106384
  • CIL 14.4388 – Statue base with dedication to Caracalla on his birthday, April 4, 211 CE – CLB (2) - EDR106386
  • CIL 14.4392 – Fragments of a dedication, early 2nd century CE – CLB (2) - EDR072862
  • CIL 14.4393 – Statue base with dedication to M. Opellius Antoninus Diadumenianus, 217 CE – CLB (2) - EDR106390
  • CIL 14.4397 – Statue base with dedication to Gordian III, February 4, 239 CE – CLB (2) - EDR106394
  • CIL 14.4549, 3 (= CIL 14.278): – Mosaic inscription of the shipmasters who trade in wood, 50-140 CE – CLB - EDR110836
  • CIL 14.4549, 10 – Mosaic inscription of the shipmasters of Misua, 50-140 CE – CLB - EDR110836
  • CIL 14.4620 (= CIL 14.303) – Dedication to P. Aufidius Fortis by the guild of grain merchants, 146 CE – CLB (2) - EDR072620
  • CIL 14.5347 - EDR110165
  • CIL 14.5351-5352 – Two fragments of dedications erected by the carpenters’ guild (collegium fabrum tignuariorum), first half of 2nd century BCE (?) – CLB (2) - EDR110168EDR110170


  • 32
  • 153 (3) – AJH



  • CIL 17.4, 38 (= CIL 3.5992) – Milestone, ca. 201 CE – AJH (+ translation by A.J. Heisserer)