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CIL VI. 3559-30986a – Rome

All squeezes are in the Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S. Gordon Collection unless otherwise indicated.

( ) = Number of copies
[ ] = Number of pieces to squeeze

  • CIL 6.3559 (= CIL 6.32989) – Record of the building of a shrine, with a platform for military standards, dedicated by the soldiers whose names are listed in the inscription, 168 CE - EDR161372
  • CIL 6.3570 – Fragments of an epitaph for Aurelia Claudia, almost nine years old, set up by her parents, 3rd century CE – CLB - EDR030848
  • CIL 6.3574 (= CIL VI p. 3407) - EDR030615
  • CIL 6.3580 – Epitaph for M. Blossius Pudens, centurion of the Legio V Macedonica, set up by M. Blossius Olympicus, his freedman, 69-79 CE [2] - EDR121888
  • CIL 6.3682 – Dedication with relief of Hercules and Diana, January 6 or 7, 188 CE - EDR166499
  • CIL 6.3692 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 31, 6.30913) – Monument for a freedman, ca. 125 BCE (date from note by A.E. Gordon on a comment by Tenney Frank) - EDR126801
  • CIL 6.3711 (= CIL 6.31009) – An inscribed altar to Silvanus dedicated by Gaius Humidius Qu(i)etus, a veteran of the eighth praetorian cohort, ca. 161-175 CE (2) - EDR146950
  • CIL 6.3716 (= CIL 6.31013; Album, 241) - EDR030616
  • CIL 6.3768 (= CIL 6.31322) – Dedication by L. Accius Iustus and his family for the health, victory and return of emperors Severus and Caracalla, Geta Caesar, Julia Domna and the imperial household (from the Parthian War?), 198-209 CE, probably 202 CE (2) [4] - EDR112025
  • CIL 6.3941 - EDR119404
  • CIL 6.3985 – Columbarium plaque with epitaphs of two of the empress Livia’s slaves: Tyrannus, her doctor, and Isochrysus, a wardrobe servant, late Augustan, early reign of Tiberius - EDR132382
  • CIL 6.4119 = Album, 78 - EDR136660
  • CIL 6.4228 – Epitaph of M. Ulpius Menophilus, an imperial freedman and assistant to the procurator ‘ab ornamentis’, 126 CE [2] - EDR121232
  • CIL 6.4345 – Columbarium plaque with epitaph of Proculus, head of the German bodyguard of Claudius (‘Ti. Germanicus’) before he was emperor, ca. 14-41 CE - EDR106172
  • CIL 6.4353 – Columbarium plaque with epitaph of Philonicus, an imperial slave under (probably) Claudius, 41-54 CE - EDR106218
  • CIL 6.5197 - EDR102406
  • CIL 6.6192 - EDR004920
  • CIL 6.6619 – Epitaph for Primus, slave of Nero’s wife, Statilia Messallina, set up by his uncle, Statilius Hesychus, a freedman, between 66 and 96 CE, probably 68 CE (?) - EDR030620
  • CIL 6.7299 on squeeze with CIL 6.7319 - EDR006357
  • CIL 6.7303 = Album, 108 - EDR141471
  • CIL 6.7319 - EDR006357
  • CIL 6.7358 - EDR141700
  • CIL 6.7462 (= CIL 6.852) – Fragment of an epitaph from a columbarium, 12 CE - EDR107870
  • CIL 6.7467 – Columbarium tablet of a wardrobe slave to Scribonia, ex-wife of Augustus, 40 or 39 BCE - EDR107871
  • CIL 6.7479 – Columbarium tablet with epitaph of D. Caecilius Optatus, aged two years and eight months, April 12, 16 CE - EDR107310
  • CIL 6.7578 - EDR107814
  • CIL 6.7867 – Columbarium plaque for L. Octavius Hemetis, dedicated by his freedman, 1st century CE - EDR107532
  • CIL 6.7876 (= CIL VI p. 3439; Ohl, Memoirs, 12) - EDR104112
  • CIL 6.7885 – Fragment of a funerary monument for P. Caesetius Sodalis and Caesetia Ridicula, end of 1st century BCE–beginning of 1st century CE
  • CIL 6.7887 – Funerary tablet set up by C. Attius Primigenius, a freedman, for himself, his wife Flavia Agele, and their descendants and by Heraclides, an imperial bookkeeper, for himself, his wife Peloris, and their descendants, late 1st–early 2nd century CE, ca. 89-96 CE (?) - EDR107919
  • CIL 6.7923 – Fragments of an epitaph for Nortina, who lived two years and seventeen days, set up by her parents for her, themselves, and their descendants, 1st-2nd century CE - EDR108203
  • CIL 6.7982 – Epitaph for Sextilia Faustina, set up by her daughter, Servilia Aphrodite, 1st-2nd century CE - CLB, AEG - EDR109533
  • CIL 6.8420 - EDR100327
  • CIL 6.8680 (= CIL 6.33743) – Fragments of a dedication to the protective deities of the Horrea Galbae warehouses, late 68 CE [2] - EDR121818
  • CIL 6.8740 – Epitaph of Vinia, set up by her husband Onesimus, steward to Claudius before he became emperor, 4-41 CE - EDR156464
  • CIL 6.8755 – Columbarium plaque with epitaph of Zethus, a slave who served as a cook for Marcella, younger daughter of Augustus’ sister Octavia and C. Claudius Marcellus, Augustan period
  • CIL 6.8826 = Album 164 - EDR004917
  • CIL 6.8843 – Epitaph for Lucia (?) Pelagia set up by her husband, a slave dispensator under the emperor Claudius, 41-54 CE - EDR126756
  • CIL 6.8921 = Album 156 - EDR119794
  • CIL 6.8927 – Epitaph of Ti. Iulius Hilarus, imperial freedman and naval commander, set up by his wife, Claudia Basilea, Tiberian period or shortly after - EDR129424
  • CIL 6.8967 – Epitaph of Hyblaeus and Ismenus, brothers who were from the school headed by Ramus, a slave of Tiberius, 14-37 CE, perhaps as early as 4 CE
  • CIL 6.8991 – Metrical epitaph of L. Marius Vitalis, who died while traveling with Hadrian at age 17, set up by his mother, Maria Malchis, probably 117-138 CE (reign of Hadrian) - EDR159630
  • CIL 6.9021 - EDR180671
  • CIL 6.9161
  • CIL 6.9290 - EDR123877
  • CIL 6.9370 - EDR119859
  • CIL 6.9597 - EDR100504
  • CIL 6.9730 – Epitaph for Gnome, a hairdresser and slave to Pieris, January 28, 2 BCE - EDR176566
  • CIL 6.9801 - EDR029205
  • CIL 6.9892 – Columbarium plaque with epitaph of Thymele, keeper of silks (sericaria) and slave of Marcella, niece of Augustus, 1st century CE, Augustan or Tiberian - EDR177865
  • CIL 6.9920 – Fragment of a list of officers and members of a guild of shopkeepers, with visible guidelines, 402-408 CE, probably 403-406 CE - EDR166359
  • CIL 6.10051 – Epitaph of Scirtus, slave and charioteer for the Whites, with a list of all his races from 13-25 CE, set up by his wife (?), Carisia Nesis, a freedwoman, 25 CE or shortly after - EDR139855
  • CIL 6.10053-6.10054 (= CIL 6.37834) – Fragments of an inscription honoring the charioteer Avilius Teres, with a long list of the names of horses, after 110 CE, perhaps around 120 CE - EDR104900
  • CIL 6.10234 = Album 217 - EDR171003
  • CIL 6.10235 = Album 213 - EDR164926
  • CIL 6.10243 = Album 172 - EDR119865
  • CIL 6.10244a = Album 166
  • CIL 6. 12064 – Epitaph for Antonia Phyllis, set up by her husband, P. Geminus Aeetion for themselves, their freedmen and women and their descendants and his heir, 1st-2nd century CE (possible forgery) - EDR146702
  • CIL 6.10293 – Fragment of a register of members in a burial association, 29 CE or a few years before - EDR119860
  • CIL 6.10299 – Fasti of the Collegium Fabrum Tignariorum (?), 7 BCE - EDR170349
  • CIL 6.11034 – Tablet verifying the records kept by the curators of the columbarium, M. Aemilius Crestus and M. Fabius Felix, September 30, 6 BCE (2) - EDR155405
  • CIL 6.12064 = CIL VI p. 3510; Ohl, Memoirs, 55 - EDR146702
  • CIL 6.13505a = Album 212 - EDR119161
  • CIL 6.14476 – Epitaph for Quintus Cascellius Serenus, set up by Cascellius Megistus for his patron, 2nd century CE
  • CIL 6.14642 – Epitaph of Celadus, slave to Britannicus, the son of the emperor Claudius, 41-43 CE
  • CIL 6.15415 – Epitaph set up by Claudia Eutychia for her daughter and a male relative, 1st-2nd century CE – CLB - EDR146009
  • CIL 6.15561 – Epitaph for Nemesine, a slave, set up by Claudia Prima, 2nd-3rd century CE – CLB - EDR146605
  • CIL 6.16521 – Epitaph of Felix, freedman of Cn. Cossutius, ca. 62 CE  [2]
  • CIL 6.16631-16632 – Funerary inscriptions for Minicia Marcella and her mother, Statoria Marcella, 105 or 106 CE - EDR103422
  • CIL 6.16832 – Epitaph for Diadumenus, set up by his companion, Secundilla, slave of Minicius Faustinus (consul suffect in AD 117?), 1st half of 2nd century CE - EDR147491
  • CIL 6.18502 – Epitaph for M. Flovius Philocalus and his household, 1st-2nd century CE – CLB - EDR147493
  • CIL 6.19718 – Two epitaphs on the same stele for Isias and her daughter Isias, set up by Salvius, their husband and father, all slaves of Domitia Longina, second half of 1st century CE - EDR188154
  • CIL 6.19926 – Funerary inscription for C. Iulius Delphus Maecenatianus, freedman of Augustus, and his family, post-Augustan - EDR193283
  • CIL 6.21577 (top) + 6.518 (bottom) (= CIL I2: 2.1, 992, 6.30784) – Round altar dedicated to Mercury + highly carved marble funerary urn of D. Lucilius Felix on top, 1st century CE - EDR121913
  • CIL 6.22159 – Fragment of a columbarium plaque for Marcia Sucessa, aged five, set up by her father, Marcius Sucessus, 2nd-3rd century CE – CLB - EDR146011
  • CIL 6.23044 (= CIL 6.37881; Ohl, Memoirs, 161) - EDR146053
  • CIL 6.23532 – Funerary inscription for Oppia Theano, freedwoman of C. Oppius, 14 BCE
  • CIL 6.23733 – Epitaph for Palpia Soteris, set up by her patron (?), C. Palpius Rhodo, and her husband, M. Aemilius Sabinus, 1st-2nd century CE – CLB - EDR145515
  • CIL 6.24465 – Columbarium plaque for Cn. Pompeius Fructus, a freedman, mid-1st century – mid-2nd century CE - EDR146274
  • CIL 6.25491 – Epitaph for Roscia Veneria, set up by Roscius Martialis and (?) C. Iulius Successus, 2nd-3rd century CE - EDR146046
  • CIL 6.25527 – Record of repairs to a ‘solarium’ and surrounding areas, including seats, pavement, and part of a tomb, made by P. Rubrius Trophimus and P. Rubrius Agatho at their own expense, 94 CE - EDR145966
  • CIL 6.26165 – Columbarium plaque for M. Sempronius Iucundus, a freedman, his wife, Octavia Prima, and his son, M. Sempronius Albanus, 1st century CE - EDR146602
  • CIL 6.27526 = Album 42
  • CIL 6.27527 – Epitaph set up by Titia Prima for herself, her husband, and their children, Flavia, Fortunata, and Titianus, who all died young, 1st-2nd century CE – CLB - EDR145876
  • CIL 6.27556 = Album 306 - EDR102407
  • CIL 6.27660 – Columbarium plaque for Trophimus, slave of Ti. Claudius Arrhenis, 1st-2nd century CE - EDR146477
  • CIL 6.28644 – Epitaph for C. Vetilius Euhodus, age eleven, set up by his father, C. Vetilius Primitivus, 1st-2nd century CE (2) – CLB - EDR145510
  • CIL 6.28943 – Columbarium plaque for Victorio Agataero, a freeman, 3rd-4th century CE or perhaps later – CLB - EDR14647
  • CIL 6.29107 – Columbarium plaque for Vitruvia Lychnis, a freedwoman, with part of her husband’s name, [ca. 9] Epaphus, erased, 1st century CE - CLB - EDR146047 (3)
  • CIL 6.29223 – Epitaph for M. Ulpius Ionicus, an imperial freedman, set up by his wife, Claudia Iusta, first half of 2nd century CE - CLB - EDR145886
  • CIL 6.29281 – Fragment of an epitaph for M. Ulpius Verus, set up by his wife, Antonia, 2nd-3rd century CE - EDR145893
  • CIL 6.29426 – Fragment of an epitaph with a funerary elegy, 2nd-3rd century CE - EDR132815
  • CIL 6.29435 – Columbarium plaque for Ummidia Fortunata, who lived 8 years, 8 months, and 25 days, set up by her mother, Ummidia Masueta, 1st century CE – CLB - EDR145897
  • CIL 6.29681 - EDR020628
  • CIL 6.30685 = Album 289 - EDR121889
  • CIL 6.30722 (= CIL 6.235) – Dedication by Saturninus and Successus, two slaves, overseers in the public granaries, to the Genius of their warehouse for the welfare of the Imperial family, 75 CE - EDR132249
  • CIL 6.30735d (= CIL 6.315) – Side of a dedication to Hercules by M. Anicius Paulinus, listing Crispus and Constantine as dual Caesars and consuls, 321 CE - EDR122444
  • CIL 6.30753 (= CIL 6.396, 14.222*,3) – Votive dedication on a statue base to Jupiter Optimus Maximus and the Genius Venalicius (of the slave market) by P. Acilius Cerdo, a slave dealer (?), with erasure of Nero’s name, first half of 60 CE - EDR178541
  • CIL 6.30755 (= CIL 6.402, 10.1089*) – Votive dedication on an altar to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the Sun, and Sarapis by Scipio Orfitus, a senator and augur, ca. 295 CE - EDR121423
  • CIL 6.30769 (= CIL 6.451) – Dedication of a shrine to the Lares Augusti, the Genius of the Emperors, and Trajan by the officials of the Vicus Censori, who restored the shrine at their own expense, late December, 100 CE - EDR121647
  • CIL 6.30779g (= CIL 6.503) – Altar dedicated to the all-powerful gods (i.e. Cybele and Attis) by Lucius Ragonius Venustus, the public augur and Pontifex Vestalis maior, after receiving the taurobolium and criobolium, May 23, 390 CE - EDR121506
  • CIL 6.30782 (= CIL 6.506) – Votive dedication on an altar to Cybele and Attis by L. Cornelius Scipio Orfitus, a senator and augur, after performing the taurobolium and criobolium, with an incised image of a priestly Phrygian cap and a pedum, ca. 295 CE - EDR121419
  • CIL 6.30784  (= CIL 6.518 (base) + 6.21577 (top), CIL I2: 2.1, 992) – Round altar dedicated to Mercury + highly carved marble funerary urn of D. Lucilius Felix on top, 1st century CE - EDR121913
  • CIL 6.30787 (= CIL 6.537) – Metrical dedication by Rufius Festus to the goddess Nortia, with additional poem honoring him by his son Placidus, 4th century CE (?) - EDR161344
  • CIL 6.30805 (= CIL 6.635) – Votive dedication (on a statue base?) to Silvanus by C. Iulius Castrensis, May 24, 141 CE  (2)[2] - EDR136695
  • CIL 6.30845 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 28) – Dedication to Aesclepius by Marcus Publicius [Populicios], ca. 291 BCE - EDR102308
  • CIL 6.30889 – Dedication of an altar to Hercules by L. Antonius Caricus, 40 CE- EDR160791
  • CIL 6.30898 (= CIL 12: 2.1, 30) - EDR126099
  • CIL 6.30901 – Fragment (right side) of a dedication to ‘Hercules of the House of Augustus’ by three workmen, June 1, 128 CE - EDR029206
  • CIL 6.30913 (= CIL 12: 2.1, 31, CIL 6.3692) – Monument for a freedman, ca. 125 BCE (date from note by A.E. Gordon on a comment by Tenney Frank) - EDR029206
  • CIL 6.30922/ IG 14, p. 695-696 (= CIL I2: 2.1 730) – Bilingual dedication of Mithridates Philopater Philadelphus to the people of Rome, 169-150 BCE or after 84 BCE - EDR112045
  • CIL 6.30925 (= CIL 6.374/IG 14.987) – Bilingual dedication on a statue base by the Laodiceans to the Roman people in gratitude for benefactions, ca. 130 BCE (?), possibly as late as 83 BCE - EDR105932
  • CIL 6.30926 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 727, CIL 6.373) – Dedication by the Ephesians in gratitude for the restoration of their freedom from the Attalids, ca. 129 BCE - EDR183095
  • CIL 6.30975 – Votive inscription recording the dedication of an altar to Jupiter and other gods, January 1–June 30, 1 CE - EDR136734
  • CIL 6.30986 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 32) – Sacred dedication, date uncertain - EDR126800
  • CIL 6.30986a (= CIL 11.618*, 4) - EDR184162EDR185124