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CIL XI. 1300 - 8103

All photos are the gift of John K. Evans of the University of Minnesota unless otherwise indicated.

( ) = number of photos/slides in file
AEG = Arthur E. Gordon Collection
EDR = Epigraphic Database Roma


  • 1300
  • 1307
  • 1309
  • CIL 11.1311-1313 – Funerary monument, with portrait relief, set up by Septumia Maxima for herself and Septimius Primus, first quarter of 1st century CE
  • CIL 11.1331 – Imperial dedications, left: 65 CE, right: 66 CE (3, with notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 11.1339 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 623) – Honorary inscription for M. Claudius Marcellus, 155 BCE
  • 1420
  • 1421
  • 1645
  • CIL 11.1828 (= CIL I2: 1, p. 193, XIII) – Dedication for Quintus Fabius Maximus, after 209 BCE – Gift of Andrew J. Heisserer  (2)
  • CIL 11.1832 (= CIL I2: 1, p. 196, XXI) – Dedication for L. Licinius Lucullus, 62 BCE or before – Gift of Andrew J. Heisserer  (2)
  • CIL 11.2102 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 723) – Statue base honoring L. Cornelius Sulla, 82-79 BCE – AEG, with notes by A.E. Gordon
  • CIL 11.2103 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 760) – Honorary inscription for Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus, 56 BCE (?) – AEG, with notes by A.E. Gordon
  • 3089
  • 3100
  • 3576 + sq (2)
  • CIL 11.3579 – Statue base, AD 271-274
  • 3580
  • CIL 6.3583mp (= CIL 1.1341) – EDR140156
  • 3609
  • CIL 11.3734 (= CIL 6.942) – Record of a building construction or repairs by the emperor Titus, July-December, AD 79 (2) – EDR094053
  • CIL 11.3755 (= CIL 6.1323) – EDR109200EDR110412
  • 3779
  • CIL 11.3781 – Dedication of expenses of games, apparently in honor of Tiberius, by a freedman, a sevir Augustales (?), 34 CE –AEG
  • CIL 11.3793 (= CIL 6.1260, 6.31567) – Dedication commemorating the construction of the Aqua Traiana by Trajan, 109 CE - EDR128160
  • 3796 sq
  • 3801 (2)
  • CIL 11.3805
  • 3807 (4) + sq (4)
  • 3808
  • 3809
  • 3810
  • CIL 11.3843 (= CIL 6.28774) – Funerary monument, with portrait relief, for L. Vibius, Vecilia Hila, L. Vibius Felicius Felix and Vibia Prima, ‘liberta’, mid-Augustan, ca. 20 BCE–5 CE – AEG, CLB (4) - EDR148951EDR149596
  • CIL 11.3873
  • CIL 11.3973
  • CIL 11.4088mp – EDR174828
  • CIL 11.4096 (= CIL 6.871) – Dedication on a statue base to Sextus Cluvius Martinus, who restored the winter baths. Dedicated on November 16, 341 CE (2) - EDR167764
  • 4097 side sq
  • CIL 11.4213 – Inscribed statue base for Aulus Pompeius, a quaestor, ca. 82 BCE – AEG (3, with notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 11.4687 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 2103) – Two bilingual epitaphs (in Latin and Gaulish) for Ategnatos, 2nd century BCE – AEG (2)
  • 5287
  • 5748 (2)
  • 6112
  • 6331
  • CIL 11.6486 – Funerary monument with portrait relief, mid-1st century CE  (4)
  • 6504
  • CIL 11.6634 – Milestone referring to Valentinian, Valens, and Gratian, 367-375 CE  (4)
  • CIL 11.6635 – Milestone from the via Flaminia with three texts, 307-312 CE, 312-324 CE, 387-38 CE  (2)
  • CIL 11.6641 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 619) – Dedication in honor of M. Aemilius Lepidus, 187 BCE – AEG (6, with notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 11.6642 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 617) – Dedication in honor of M. Aemilius Lepidus, 187 BCE – AEG (8, with notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • 6644 (4)
  • 6657 (5)
  • 6659 (4)
  • 6769
  • 6776a
  • CIL 11.6788 – Dedication to Jupiter Dolichenus, 2nd-3rd century CE
  • CIL 11.6789 – Dedication to Jupiter Dolichenus, 2nd-3rd century CE
  • CIL 11.6798 – Epitaph of M. Mulvius Celerus, 1st century CE
  • 6802
  • 6804
  • 6805
  • 6808
  • 6811
  • 6813 (4)
  • 6823
  • CIL 11.6825 – Funerary monument with portrait relief for the Alennii, a couple of ‘liberti’ with their freeborn children, and a freedwoman, mid-1st century CE  (3)
  • 6826
  • 6827
  • 6828 (2)
  • 6829
  • 6830 (2)
  • 6831 (2)
  • 6832
  • 6833
  • 6834 (2)
  • 6835
  • 6837
  • 6838 (2)
  • 6839 (3)
  • 6841
  • 6842
  • 6843 (2)
  • 6844
  • 6845
  • 6846 (3)
  • 6847 (2)
  • 6848 (2)
  • 6849 (2)
  • 6850 (2)
  • 6851a-b (4)
  • 6853 (2)
  • 6855
  • 6856 (2)
  • 6858 (2)
  • 6859 (2)
  • 6861 (3)
  • 6863a-b(3)
  • 6867 (2)
  • 6868 (2)
  • 6869 (2)
  • CIL 11.6870 – Funerary monument with portrait relief for C. Oenius, second half of 1st century CE
  • 6871 (4)
  • 6872
  • 6873 (4)
  • 6875
  • 6876a,c (6)
  • 6877 (2)
  • 6878
  • 6879
  • 6880
  • 6881
  • 6882
  • 6883 (2)
  • 6885
  • 6886 (2)
  • 6903
  • 6905 (2)
  • 6918
  • 6920
  • 6933
  • 6934
  • CIL 11.6935 – Funerary monument with portrait relief for M. Pacuvius Primus, his wife Sumonia Apra, and Pacuvius Ianuarius, all freedmen, first third of 2nd century CE
  • 6938
  • 6941a-b
  • CIL 11.7495 – Inscription for veterans of the legionis Gemellae, first half of 1st century BCE – CLB
  • CIL 11.7554 – Inscription honoring Publilius Memorialis, procurator of iron mines, end of 1st century CE
  • 7746
  • 7754 sq
  • CIL 11.7767 – Sarcophagus of T. Claudius Pardalas, imperial freedman, 1st century CE  (3)
  • 8103