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CIL VI. 1–1999

All photographs are in the Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S. Gordon Collection (AEG) unless otherwise indicated.

( ) = number of photos/slides/negatives in file
sq = photo of squeeze
AJH = Slides gift of A.J. Heisserer
CLB = Gift of Charles L. Babcock
EDR = Epigraphic Database Rome

  • CIL 6.13 – Two separate dedications on three sides of an altar: on the front, a dedication to health of emperor Severus Alexander and his mother, Julia Mamaea by Aurelius Silvanus, a (military?) tribune; on the left, a dedication to Asclepius by Q. Ennius Sabianus (the younger); on the right, a list of names, including Q. Ennius Sabianus (the elder), who dedicated the altar (?), October 21, 228 CE (5, with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR161177
  • CIL 6.15 (= CIL 6.1071, 6.36883, 6.40641) – A votive dedication for the health and victory of Caracalla, his mother, Julia Domna, and the whole Imperial family by Eutychus, an imperial slave [steward?], 212-217 CE (2) – EDR093038
  • CIL 6.16 (= CIL 6.30685) (5) – EDR121889
  • CIL 6.40mp – EDR161198
  • CIL 6.44 – A dedication to Hercules Augustus by Felix, an imperial freedman in charge of the technical side of the mint in Rome, and a list of the freedmen and slaves working under him, January 28, 115 CE (3) – EDR143724
  • CIL 6.77mp – EDR161217
  • CIL 6.85 – Dedication of “Castors,” on two identical marble bases (probably statues of Castor and Pollux, one on each base), to the guild of public grain measurers by Marcus Aelius Rusticus, director of the guild, in celebration of his birthday (?), May 18, 198 CE (3, with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR161221 (85a), EDR164508 (85b)
  • CIL 6.88 – Dedication on an altar to ‘Citizenship’ by M. Aemilius Artema, probably commemorating his manumission, ca. 51-100 CE – (notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR136696
  • 98 sq (3) – EDR161228
  • CIL 6.100 (= CIL 11.136a*) – Dedication to the gods and goddesses by C. Iulius Arn. Africanus of Brixellum, a commander in the 9th praetorian cohort, July 23, 157 CE – EDR161230
  • CIL 6.110 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 801, 6.30699) – Sacred dedication by C. Sextius Calvinus, ca. 100-80 BCE (note by A.E. Gordon that Tenney Frank dates inscription to ca. 100 BC) – AEG, CLB (3) – EDR135294
  • CIL 6.180b – Dedication on an altar to Fortuna Augusta for the safety and return of Emperor Severus, his wife Julia Domna and his children Caracalla and Geta by Antonius, a freedman. The names of Geta and Plautilla (Caracalla’s wife) are erased (damnatio memoriae) presumably after Geta’s murder and Plautilla’s execution for her involvement in plots against Caracalla, ca. 193-211 CE – CLB – EDR129253
  • CIL 6.208a – Votive dedication on an altar by C. Marcius Salvianus of Norba to the Genius of a company of the 10th Praetorian cohort, following his discharge after eighteen years of service, 130 CE – EDR100463
  • CIL 6.209 – Fragment of a dedication by praetorians on the completion of their service, ca. 150 CE – EDR121828
  • 211 – EDR172809
  • CIL 6.212 – Votive dedication on an altar to the Genius of a century, 181 CE – EDR172810
  • CIL 6.213 – Dedication on the pediment of an altar (no longer extant) by the centurion, Q. Socconius Primus, the evocati, and soldiers of the Praetorians to the Genius of their company, June 1, 18 CE  (3) – EDR172811
  • CIL 6.215mp (= CIL 6.30717) – EDR174864
  • CIL 6.219 – Building record of a marble shrine with a folding door by a company of the 4th cohort [of Vigiles], inscribed on the architrave with entablature and carved pediment above, 130 CE (3) – EDR103424
  • CIL 6.220 – Dedication on a bronze tablet to joint emperors Septimius Severus and Caracalla, and Severus’ wife Julia Domna and to the Genius and officers of the 4th cohort of Vigiles. The dedication was also for Geta and Caracalla’s wife, Fulvia Plautilla, but their names were removed in damnatio memoriae, as was Geta’s decorative bust between the busts of Julia Domna (left) and Caracalla (right), 203 CE (2) – EDR121851
  • CIL 6.221 – Dedication of a shrine to the Genius of their centuria and to their centuria by twelve minor officers, probably of the 5th cohort of the vigiles, 113 CE – EDR152602
  • CIL 6.231 (= CIL 6.30721) – Dedication to the Genius of the Castra Peregrina by Aurelius Alexander, the aedile, Imperial period – EDR170680
  • CIL 6.235 (= CIL 6.30722, 6.3254*) – Dedication by Saturninus and Successus, two slaves, overseers in the public granaries, to the Genius of their warehouse for the welfare of the Imperial family, 75 CE – EDR132249
  • CIL 6.268 – Dedication to Minerva Augusta by officers in a guild of fullers, December 1, 57 CE – EDR121504
  • CIL 6.270 – Dedication to Hercules by C. Afonius Maximanus, date unknown – EDR152978
  • CIL 6.284 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 607) – Dedication to Hercules on three sides of a statue base by M. Minucius, 217 BCE (4) – EDR115585
  • CIL 6.308 – Dedication in two hands to Hercules Defensor by M. Silius Messalla, consul, of a marble base that features some erasure, with Messalla’s name as a likely substitution for someone else; possibly initially dedicated to Commodus as Hercules, ca. May-June, 193 CE or 193-197 CE (3, with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR136697
  • CIL 6.315 (= CIL 6.30735d) – Side of a dedication to Hercules by M. Anicius Paulinus, listing Crispus and Constantine as dual Caesars and consuls, 321 CE (2) - EDR122444
  • CIL 6.327 (CIL 6.106*, 6.2791*) – Dedication to Hercules Invictus on a brass bowl with base and pedestal by L. Curtius Abascantus and his son Gaudens, May 24, 149 CE – EDR121707
  • CIL 6.328 – Dedication to Hercules Victor by C. [Vibi]us Fronto, the quaestors’ summoner, on a large circular altar, heavily carved with attributes of Hercules, June 29, 81 CE (2) – EDR121378
  • CIL 6.331 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 626) – Dedication to Hercules by L. Mummius in fulfillment of a vow, ca. 144 BCE (10) – EDR137990
  • CIL 6.373 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 727. 6.30926) – Dedication by the Ephesians in gratitude for the restoration of their freedom from the Attalids, ca. 129 BCE (2) –EDR183095
  • CIL 6.374/ IG 14.987 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 728; 6.30925) – Bilingual dedication on a statue base by the Laodiceans to the Roman people in gratitude for benefactions, ca. 130 BCE (?), possibly as late as 83 BCE  (3, with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR105932
  • CIL 6.385 (= CIL 6.30751) – Dedication on a statue base to Jupiter Optimus Maximus by Tiberius, in his second consulship, before he was emperor, 7 BCE – EDR115589
  • CIL 6.396 (= CIL 6.30753, 14.222*,3) – Votive dedication on a statue base to Jupiter Optimus Maximus and the Genius Venalicius (of the slave market) by P. Acilius Cerdo, a slave dealer (?), with erasure of Nero’s name, first half of 60 CE – AEG (2), CLB (1) – EDR178541
  • CIL 6.398 – Dedication on an altar to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the Sun, and the Genius of the slave market by Felix, freedman of Q. Iulius Maximus and Iulia Romana, his wife, January 1-12, 86 CE – EDR121358
  • CIL 6.402 (= CIL 6.30755, 10.1089*,6) – Votive dedication on an altar to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the Sun, and Sarapis by Scipio Orfitus, a senator and augur, ca. 295 CE (3) – EDR121423
  • CIL 6.413 – Dedication on an altar to Jupiter Optimus Sanctus Praestantissimus Dolichenus, Juno Sancta, Hera, Castor and Pollux, and Apollo by Thyrsus, a freedman, on behalf of the safety of his patron, himself and his family, autumn, 244 CE (3) - EDR181696
  • CIL 6.414b – The second of two tablets recording the enlargement of the sanctuary of Jupiter Dolichenus (mentioned in first tablet), in recognition of the safety of Commodus (whose name is erased) by M. Caecilius M. F. Rufus, who made several improvements to the sanctuary, July 31, 191 CE (3) – EDR076274
  • CIL 6.428 – A dedication for the safe return of Caracalla (?) that was interrupted (by his death?) and then amended and reused as a similar dedication to Severus Alexander and his mother, Julia Mamaea, by Domitius Bassus, centurio frumentarius, acting troop commander in the Castra Peregrina, who decorated a temple of Jupiter Redux there at his own expense, before 235 CE, begun probably ca. 217 CE, except for erasures in line 2, with erasures and name substitutions 230-235 CE (5) – EDR159171
  • CIL 6.451 (= CIL 6.30769) – Dedication of a shrine to the Lares Augusti, the Genius of the Emperors, and Trajan by the officials of the Vicus Censori, who restored the shrine at their own expense, late December, 100 CE – EDR121647
  • CIL 6.452 – Dedication of a restored shrine to the Lares Augusti of the Vicus Iovis Fagutalis [and to the Genius of the Emperors] (particularly to Trajan?) by the magistri of the Vicus, 108-109 CE – EDR121648
  • CIL 6.492 (= CIL 6.30777) – Altar dedicated to the Mother of the Gods and to the ship Salvia (the name is repeated in the next line, probably erroneously) by Synthyche (sic), priestess of the gens Claudia, with sculptural relief depicting the introduction of the statue of Cybele into Rome on a boat towed by Claudia Quinta (see Ovid, Fasti, IV.291 ff.), 1st century CE (2) – EDR121387
  • CIL 6.503 (= CIL 6.30779g) – Altar dedicated to the all-powerful gods (i.e. Cybele and Attis) by Lucius Ragonius Venustus, the public augur and Pontifex Vestalis maior, after receiving the taurobolium and criobolium, May 23, 390 CE (2) – EDR121506
  • CIL 6.506 (= CIL 6.30782) – Votive dedication on an altar to Cybele and Attis by L. Cornelius Scipio Orfitus, a senator and augur, after performing the taurobolium and criobolium, with an incised image of a priestly Phrygian cap and a pedum, ca. 295 CE (5, with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR121419
  • CIL 6.518 (base) + 6.21577 (top) (= CIL I2: 2.1, 992, 6.30784) – Round altar dedicated to Mercury + highly carved marble funerary urn of D. Lucilius Felix on top, 1st century CE – notes by A.E. Gordon – EDR121516
  • CIL 6.531 – Altar dedicated to Nemesis by M. Aurelius Romanus, a junior officer of the prison of the 12th urban cohort (Gordiana), 239-244 CE (3) – EDR176351
  • CIL 6.537 (= CIL 6.30787) – Metrical dedication by Rufius Festus to the goddess Nortia, with additional poem honoring him by his son Placidus,4th century CE (?) – EDR161344
  • CIL 6.544 – Dedication to the numen of Emperor Trajan by Crescens Alypianus, ‘frumentarius’ (officer of the grain stores), ca. 98-117 CE
  • CIL 6.552 – Dedication of a wellhead decorated with nymphs by Oarinus, an imperial enslaved footman or attendant, to his fellow servants, 164 CE (2) – EDR182835
  • CIL 6.635 (= CIL 6.30805) – Votive dedication (on a statue base?) to Silvanus by C. Iulius Castrensis, May 24, 141 CE (5) – EDR136695
  • CIL 6.644 – Dedication to Silvanus of the Flavians by Cassianus, freedman of Celadus (a freedman of one of the Flavian emperors), and his two sons, March 18, 149 CE (2) – EDR119078
  • CIL 6.666 – Dedication to Silvanus by Callistus, a bailiff (vilicus), on a small altar, with reliefs of Silvanus and his dog on the front and a boar and ram on either side, date unknown – EDR129260
  • CIL 6.701 – Dedication on an Egyptian obelisk of Ramesses II by Augustus, as pontifex maximus, to commemorate his subjugation of Egypt into a Roman province. The obelisk was originally placed on the spina in the Circus Maximus and is now in the Piazza del Popolo, 10-9 BCE – CLB – EDR103043
  • CIL 6.702 (= CIL 6.30815) – Dedication on an Egyptian obelisk of Psammetikos II by Augustus, as pontifex maximus, to commemorate his subjugation of Egypt into a Roman province. The obelisk was originally placed in the Campus Martius near the Altar of Augustan Peace, 10-9 BCE – EDR103197
  • CIL 6.723 – Dedication of an altar to Sol Invictus Mithras by M. Aurelius Euprepes, an imperial freedman, which he made because of a dream or vision, June 2, 184 CE  (3, with notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 6.724 – Dedication, probably of a statue, to Mithras by M. Aurelius Euprepes, an imperial freedman, together with his children on a marble pillar, April 25, 194 CE  (3, with notes by A.E. Gordon)
  • CIL 6.725 – Dedication to Sol Invictus Mithras by L. Aurelius Severus, 181 CE
  • CIL 6.745 – Altar of Sol Invictus Mithras dedicated by M. Stlaccius Rufus, 154 CE or 177 CE – EDR182215
  • CIL 6.763 – Dedication to Stata Mater on a statue base by a ‘magister vici,’ ca. 6 BCE – EDR177949
  • CIL 6.833 – Dedication on an altar by P. Attius Hilarus, 139 CE – EDR160792
  • CIL 6.849 – Part of a religious dedication (?), April 4, 20 BCE (see also, CIL 6.37077 file) – AEG, CLB - EDR186744
  • CIL 6.850 – Dedication made while Tiberius (Claudius Nero) and P. Quintilius Varus were consuls, 13 BCE (2) – EDR123721
  • CIL 6.852 (= CIL 6.7462) – Fragment of an epitaph from a columbarium, 12 CE – EDR107870
  • CIL 6.855 – Record of the assignment of a place for a dedication by Salvius Julianus and Popilius Pedo, commissioners of temples and public work, September 19, 150 CE – AEG, CLB
  • CIL 6.870 – Dedication from the consulships of Diocletian and Maximian, 290 CE (2) – EDR118194
  • CIL 6.871 (= CIL 11.4096) – Dedication on a statue base to Sextus Cluvius Martinus, who restored the winter baths. Dedicated on November 16, 341 CE (2) – EDR167764
  • CIL 6.872 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 797; CIL 6.31188) – Marble base dedicated to Julius Caesar, ca. 44-42 BCE – AEG (5 photos), CLB (slide) – EDR104731EDR103044
  • CIL 6.881mp – EDR103403
  • CIL 6.882 (= CIL 6.31191) – Dedication on an obelisk honoring the deified Augustus, son of deified Iulius, and the emperor Tiberius, son of deified Augustus, inscribed over an erased earlier inscription commemorating the building of a Forum Iulium by Cornelius Gallus in Alexandria (which was itself inscribed on top of an earlier inscription) (see photo 2) (Vatican obelisk), ca. 14-37 CE (probably inscribed during the reign of Tiberius in Egypt and then brought to Rome during the reign of Caligula and reinscribed) – EDR074450
  • CIL 6.886 (= CIL 6.31192, 6.40372) – Epitaph of Agrippina the Elder, probably April, 37 CE – AJH (5), CLB – EDR092858
  • CIL 6.888 – CLB – EDR103406
  • CIL 6.889 – Epitaph for Gaius, son of Germanicus Caesar and Agrippina the Elder, 12 CE (3) – EDR103407
  • CIL 6.890 – Fragmented sepulchral inscription of a son of Germanicus Caesar, 8-10 CE – CLB – EDR103408
  • CIL 6.891 – Fragment of a funerary inscription of Julia Livilla, youngest child of Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder, 41 CE – CLB (2) – EDR103409
  • CIL 6.892 – Epitaph of Tiberius “Gemellus,” son of Drusus the Younger (son of the emperor Tiberius) and Livilla (sister of Germanicus and the emperor Claudius), ca. 37 CE – CLB (2) – EDR103410
  • CIL 6.893 – Fragment of a funerary inscription for someone connected to Vespasian, perhaps his wife (?), 80-81 CE – CLB – EDR103411
  • CIL 6.896 (= CIL 6.31196) – Pantheon inscription by Marcus Agrippa, serving for the third time as consul, 202 CE (3) – EDR103378
  • CIL 6.904mp – EDR103872
  • CIL 6.918 (= CIL 6.31202) – Votive dedication of a golden object (a statuette?) to the emperor Claudius by C. Julius Postumus, prefect of Egypt, 47-48 CE (2) – EDR103894
  • CIL 6.920 (= CIL 6.31203, 6.40416) – Fragment of a dedication from the Arch of Claudius commemorating the emperor Claudius and his victories in Britain, 51-52 CE – AEG (3), AJH (2, including translation) – EDR092880
  • CIL 6.921 (= CIL 6.31204) – Three of five surviving dedications honoring the family of Emperor Claudius (brother Germanicus, mother Antonia, wife Agrippina, adopted son Nero, and daughter Octavia) that accompanied portraits on a triumphal arch commemorating Claudius’ victories in Britain, January 25, 51 CE–January 24, 52 CE – EDR103896
  • CIL 6.924 (= CIL 6.31205, 6.40412) – Two inscriptions, from a statue base (?), honoring the emperor Claudius and his brother, Germanicus Caesar, 41-54 CE (3) – EDR092877
  • CIL 6.927 – Dedication to Nero and Silvanus by Faustus, one of Nero's slaves, 54-68 CE – EDR029203
  • CIL 6.930 (= CIL 6.31207) – Bottom fragment of the Lex de Imperio Vespasiani, bronze tablet delineating the powers of the emperor granted by the Senate, 69-70 CE – AEG (2), CLB (1) – EDR103907
  • CIL 6.933 (= CIL 6.31208) – Record of the restoration of a public vineyard by Vespasian via the college of pontiffs, 75 CE – EDR103910
  • CIL 6.942 (= CIL 11.3734) – Record of a building construction or repairs by the emperor Titus, July-December, 79 CE (2) – EDR094053
  • CIL 6.945 (= CIL 6.31211) – Dedication to the deified emperor Titus on the Arch of Titus, commemorating the capture and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, 81-96 CE – AEG (3), CLB (6) – EDR103961
  • CIL 6.948 (= CIL 6.31212) – Fragment of a dedication by the daughter of Flavia Domitilla, granddaughter of (presumably) Vespasian, 69-95 CE –EDR103964
  • CIL 6.952 – Record of a building construction by Nerva, 97 CE – EDR103967
  • CIL 6.954 (= CIL 6.31214) – Statue base dedicated to the deified Nerva by Septimius Severus, ca. 196 CE – AEG, CLB (2) – EDR103977
  • CIL 6.955 – Dedication on a statue base to Trajan by 35 Roman tribes of the urban plebs frumentaria in gratitude for his increasing their privileges, 103 CE (3) – EDR103978
  • CIL 6.956 – Dedication to Trajan by the sagarii of the Theater of Marcellus on a statue base, 104 CE (2) – EDR103979
  • CIL 6.958 (= CIL 6.40500) – Fragments of a dedication (of a shrine?) to Trajan by the cultores larum et imaginum of the imperial household, 108-109 CE or 107-108 CE – EDR092928
  • CIL 6.960 – Trajan’s Column, dedication to Trajan by the senate and people of Rome to commemorate the extent of his building project and to mark the height of the ‘mons’ excavated for his forum, 113 CE – AEG (5), CLB (4) – EDR102536
  • CIL 6.962 – Dedication to Trajan, 114 CE – EDR103991
  • CIL 6.967a (= CIL 6.31216) – Dedication on a statue base to Hadrian by the bailiffs who served Hadrian and other magistrates, 118 CE (5) – EDR103996
  • CIL 6.999 (= CIL 6.31221) – Dedication on a statue base to Antoninus Pius by scribes of the imperial armory, 138 CE (between July 10 and Dec. 10?) – EDR104056
  • CIL 6.1001 – Dedication to Antoninus Pius by the senate and people of Rome in honor of his public religious observances, 142-143 CE (2) – EDR104055
  • CIL 6.1004 (= CIL 6.31223) – Dedication on the base of the Column of Antoninus Pius by his two sons, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus on the marble column base, 161-169 CE (2) – EDR104059
  • CIL 6.1008 – Dedication on a statue base to Marcus Aurelius by keepers of sacred chickens (pullarii), 146 CE – EDR104062
  • CIL 6.1015 (= CIL 6.31226, 6.40560) – Dedication to Marcus Aurelius, 175-180 CE – EDR092976
  • CIL 6.1024 – Dedication to Commodus, ca. 177 CE – EDR104084
  • CIL 6.1030 – Dedication, on the right three fourths of a large tablet, to joint emperors Septimius Severus and Caracalla by a Roman magistrate, 201 CE (2) – EDR104089
  • CIL 6.1033 (= 6.31230, 6.36881) – Dedication on the Arch of Septimius Severus to the emperors Septimius Severus, Caracalla, and Geta (erased) by the Senate and People of Rome, 202-203 CE – AEG (3), CLB (5 slides) – EDR104093
  • CIL 6.1035 (= CIL 6.31232) – Dedication on the Arch of the Argentarii (Arcus Argentariorum) to Septimius Severus and Caracalla by the bankers and businessmen of the forum boarium (cattle market), 204 CE to shortly after 212 CE – AEG (2), CLB (slide) – EDR103504
  • CIL 6.1049 (= CIL 14.120) – Dedication to Julia Domna Augusta, Mater Castrorum (Mother of the Camps) on a base, ca. 180-217 CE – CLB – EDR105697EDR105698
  • CIL 6.1050 (= CIL 14.121) – Dedication to Caracalla, (M. Aurelius Antoninus) on a marble base, 196-197 CE – CLB – EDR105710EDR105711
  • CIL 6.1052 – Dedication on a statue base (?) to Caracalla by the 24 teachers of the institution (Caput Africae) for the training of Imperial pages called a capite Africae, October 15, 198 CE – EDR104170
  • CIL 6.1057-1058 (= CIL 6.31234) – Base with dedication to Caracalla by the 5th cohort of vigiles, ca. 205-212 CE – AEG, CLB (2 slides) – EDR104508EDR104184
  • CIL 6.1062 – Dedication to Caracalla by a dedicant whose name is lost, 210-212 CE (3) – EDR104191
  • CIL 6.1065 – Dedication to Caracalla by metal dealers (negotiantes vascularii), “devoted to the majesty" of “their protector,” 213 CE (3) – EDR104192
  • CIL 6.1068 – Dedication to Caracalla, 214 CE (2) – EDR105714
  • CIL 6.1071 (= CIL 6.15, 6.36883, 6.40641) – A votive dedication for the health and victory of Caracalla, his mother, Julia Domna, and the whole Imperial family by Eutychus, an imperial slave [steward?], 212-217 CE (2) – EDR093038
  • CIL 6.1080 (= CIL 6.31236, 6.40638) – Dedication to the health and victory of Caracalla by members of the fishermen and divers guild, 211 CE (2) – EDR074497
  • CIL 6.1089 (= CIL 6.31238) – Dedication to Gordian III by Cornelia Praetextata in honor of his generosity, 239 CE (2) – EDR110583
  • CIL 6.1094 – Dedication on a statue base to Gordian III, 238-234 CE (2) – EDR110597
  • CIL 6.1101 – Dedication to emperor Q. Herennius Etruscus Messius Decius by associations of bankers, scribes, and wine merchants, 251 CE (6) – EDR110602
  • CIL 6.1117 – Dedication on a statue base to Diocletian, later erased and altered to Constantine, by the guild of leather workers and tanners under the supervision of Thessius Secundus (the patron?) of the guild, January 1, 287 CE and later, 287-337 CE (5 - notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR121813
  • CIL 6.1118 (= CIL 6.36885) – Dedication to the co-emperor Maximian (?), whose name was later replaced by Constantine II, by the guild of tanners and leather merchants, ca. 287 CE, rewritten ca. 317 CE (5 – notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR100023
  • CIL 6.1119a – Dedication to Diocletian on a statue base (right side) that was previously used for a dedication by the commissioners of public works (see CIL 6.1119b), 293-295 CE (2) – EDR128655
  • CIL 6.1119b – Assignment of a public space for a dedication (of a statue?) by the commissioners of public works, recorded on a statue base (left side) that was later reused for a dedication to Diocletian (see CIL 6.1119a), December 15, 161 CE (2) – EDR128656
  • CIL 6.1120b (= CIL 6.1656c, 6.31882) – Dedication by Fabius Felix Passifilus Paulinus, the urban prefect, on the reverse of a statue base, with an earlier dedication to Diocletian by Aemilius Victor dating to 285-305 CE, 450-476 CE (4) – EDR118183
  • CIL 6.1125 – Dedication to co-Emperor Maximian by Septimius Valentio, vice-praetorian prefect, 293-296 CE – AEG, CLB – EDR128711
  • CIL 6.1130 (= CIL 6.31242, see also CIL 6.30567, 20; 6.31463) – Dedication for the Baths of Diocletian, commissioned by Maximian and finished by Constantius Chlorus, 305-306 CE – EDR110850EDR115769
  • CIL 6.1136 (= CIL 6.31244) – Dedication of public baths (‘Thermae Helenae’) that were restored after a fire by Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, ca. 325 CE (2) – EDR111326
  • CIL 6.1139 (= CIL 6.31245) – Dedication on the Arch of Constantine by the senate and people of Rome, celebrating Constantine’s victory over the “tyrant” (i.e. Maxentius), 315-316 CE – AEG (2), CLB (37) – EDR103881
  • CIL 6.1158 – Dedication on an equestrian statue base to Constantius II by Naeratius Cerealis, prefect of Rome, 352-353 CE (4 + translation by A.E. Gordon) – EDR129241
  • CIL 6.1159a (cf. CIL 6.1159b, CIL 14.461) – Dedication on the front of a statue base to Constantius II by Memmius Vitrasius Orfitus, 353-355 CE (4) – EDR122209
  • CIL 6.1159b (cf. CIL 6.1159a, CIL 14.461) – Dedication on the side of a statue base ­by eight officials (1 electus, 3 quinquennales, 4 curatores) of the Augustales (?) of Ostia with relief of a water jug (urceus), March 12, 239 CE (4) – EDR122210
  • CIL 6.1160 – Dedication to Constantius II by Flavius Leontius, as urban prefect and judge of appeals, 355-360 CE (6) – EDR121713
  • CIL 6.1161 (= CIL 6.36887, 14.461, n.2) – One of two nearly identical dedications on a statue base [with CIL 6.1162] to Constantius II by Memmius Vitrasius Orfitus, urban prefect and judge of appeals, 356-359 CE (6) – EDR129238
  • CIL 6.1162 (= CIL 6.36887) – One of two nearly identical dedications on a statue base [with CIL 6.1161] to Constantius II by Memmius Vitrasius Orfitus, urban prefect and judge of appeals, 356-359 CE (2) – EDR129239
  • CIL 6.1167 – Fragment of a dedication on a statue base to (likely) Magnentius by Fabius Titianus, urban prefect and judge of appeals, 350-351 CE (3) – EDR121712
  • CIL 6.1185 – Dedication on a statue base to Theodosius by Faltonius Probus Alypius, the urban prefect, 391 CE (3) – EDR129613
  • CIL 6.1187 (= CIL 6.31256, 6.36888) – Dedication on a statue base to Honorius and Arcadius by the Senate and the Roman people, 398 CE (2) – EDR144292
  • CIL 6.1203 (= CIL 6.31261) – Decennalia Base, inscribed column base with bas-relief sculptures, commemorating the tenth anniversary of Diocletian’s Tetrarchy, 303 CE – CLB – EDR129981
  • CIL 6.1219amp (= CIL 6.40706) – EDR093086
  • CIL 6.1232 (= CIL 6.31538b) – Boundary marker of the pomerium, set up by Vespasian and Titus, 75 CE – CLB (2) – EDR032555
  • CIL 6.1233a (= CIL 6.31539a) – Boundary marker of the pomerium, restored by the college of augurs by senate decree and the authority of Hadrian, 120-121 CE – EDR032553
  • CIL 6.1234a (= CIL 6.31540a) – Fragment of a boundary marker of the Tiber River, ca. 54 BCE – EDR079157
  • CIL 6.1234c.d.k. (= CIL 6.31540d.f.m.) – Fragment of a boundary marker of the Tiber River, ca. 54 BCE – CLB – EDR127163
  • CIL 6.1236 (= CIL 6.31542a) – Boundary marker of the Tiber River, 7 or 6 BCE (probably June 26, 7 BCE–June 25, 6 BCE) – CLB (slide and photo), AEG (photo negative) – EDR127229
  • CIL 6.1239a (= CIL 6.31549d) – Boundary maker of the Tiber River set up by T. Iulius Ferox, overseer of the Tiber and Sewers (under authority of Trajan), 101 CE (3) – EDR127321
  • CIL 6.1242 (= CIL 6.31556) – Record of Diocletian and Maximian’s restoration of the Tiber bank, which had collapsed, under the supervision of Manius Acilius Balbus Sabinus, overseer of the Tiber bed and banks, 284-305 CE (3) – EDR127585
  • CIL 6.1244-1246 – Three inscriptions on an arch of the Aqua Marcia on the Porta Tiburtina  commemorating repairs on conduits, first completed by Augustus (6.1244), with later inscriptions 6.1245 and 6.1246 for restorations by Caracalla and Titus, respectively, 5-4 BCE (6.1244); 212-217 CE (6.1245) and 77-79 CE (6.1246) (2) – EDR103630EDR105389EDR105390
  • CIL 6.1251a (= CIL 6.31562d) – Boundary marker from the restoration of the Aqua Marcia aqueduct, 11-4 BCE – EDR128108
  • CIL 6.1251b (= CIL 6.31562g, 14.4074) – Boundary marker from the restoration of the Aqua Marcia aqueduct, 11-4 BCE – EDR128110
  • CIL 6.1252 – Dedication on an arch of the Aqua Virgo aqueduct commemorating its restoration by the emperor Claudius, 46 CE – EDR127733
  • CIL 6.1253b (= CIL 6.31565c) – Boundary marker of the Aqua Virgo aqueduct, 36-37 CE – EDR127735
  • CIL 6.1256-1258 – Three inscriptions on the Porta Maggiore aqueduct, the first commemorating the project under the emperor Claudius, with the latter inscriptions belong to Vespasian and Titus, 52 CE (6.1256), 71 CE (6.1257), 80-81 CE (6.1258) (3) – EDR104278EDR104279EDR104280
  • CIL 6.1260 (= CIL 6.31567, 11.3793) – Dedication commemorating the construction of the Aqua Traiana by Trajan, 109 CE – EDR128160
  • CIL 6.1274 – Epitaph of Caecilia Metella on a marble plaque on the side of her tomb, 27 BCE–14 CE (Augustan, probably early or mid-Augustan) (3 + architectural sketch) – EDR108916
  • CL 6.1275 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 745) – Inscription commemorating Trajan’s restoration of a building originally constructed by M. Calpurnius Piso, 107-109 CE –EDR108917
  • CIL 6.1284-1285 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 6-7, 6.31587-31588) – Metrical epitaph on a sarcophagus for Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, 3rd century BCE (5 + translation by AJH) – EDR032798EDR032799
  • CIL 6.1286 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 8, 6.37039) – Metrical epitaph for Lucius Cornelius Scipio, son of Barbatus, after 259-258 BCE (2) – EDR109037
  • CIL 6.1287 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 9) – Metrical epitaph for Lucius Cornelius Scipio, son of Barbatus, after 259-8 BCE (3, with notes by A.E. Gordon and translation by A.J. Heisserer) – EDR109038
  • CIL 6.1288 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 10) – Metrical epitaph for Publius Cornelius Scipio, son of Publius, 2nd century BCE, ca. 168 BCE – EDR109039
  • CIL 6.1289 (bottom) + 6.1294 (top) (= CIL I2: 2.1, 11 + 16) – Metrical epitaph for Lucius Cornelius Scipio, son of Gnaeus, grandson of Gnaeus, 2nd century BCE, ca. 160 BCE (?) + notes by A.E. Gordon – EDR109040EDR109047
  • CIL 6.1290 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 12) – Funerary inscription for L. Cornelius Scipio, 167 BCE (6) – EDR109041
  • CIL 6.1292 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 14)– Fragment of a metrical epitaph for a Scipio, date uncertain – EDR109045
  • CIL 6.1293 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 15) – Epigram in three parts for Cn. Cornelius Hispanus (first part missing), 139-137 BCE (4) – EDR109046
  • CIL 6.1294 (top) + 6.1289 (bottom) (= CIL I2: 2.1, 16 + 11) – Metrical epitaph for Lucius Cornelius Scipio, son of Gnaeus, grandson of Gnaeus, 2nd century BCE (?) + notes by A.E. Gordon – EDR109047EDR109040
  • CIL 6.1297 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 721) – Statue base dedicated to L. Cornelius Sulla, 82-78 BCE (6, with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR109054
  • CIL 6.1300 (= 6.31591, 6.37040, I2: 2.1, 25) – Fragment of a dedication (perhaps a copy?) from the base of a ‘columna rostrata’ honoring Gaius Duilius, hero of the First Punic War, before 77 CE (7) - EDR109058
  • CIL 6.1301 (= CIL 6.31592) – Round base with a dedication to Cn. Domitius Calvinus, pontifex, 36 BCE – CLB – EDR109060
  • CIL 6.1305 c+d (= CIL I2: 2.1, 751, 6.31594) – Main inscription on the Fabricius Bridge (Pons Fabricius) (c), with later inscription underneath (d), 62 BCE (c), 21 BCE (d) – AEG (22 photos and negatives), CLB (6 slides) – EDR102345EDR102346
  • CIL 6.1306 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 658) - EDR109067
  • CIL 6.1307 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 615) – Dedication in honor of M. Fulvius Nabilor, 189 or 179 BCE (4 AEG and CLB, with notes by A.E. Gordon and translation by A.J. Heisserer) – EDR109068
  • CIL 6.1313 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 736, 6.31597) – Building inscription for the tabularium by Q. Lutatius Catulus, 78-65 BCE – AEG (4), CLB (2 slides) – EDR109072
  • CIL 6.1319 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 834, 6.31599) – Tomb of C. Publicius Bibulus, 1st half of 1st century BCE (2) – EDR103885
  • CIL 6.1323 (= CIL 11.3755) – Inscription for Q.  Sanquinius Stellatina, 1st century BCE – EDR109200EDR110412
  • CIL 6.1324 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 2514) – Inscribed column dedicating the site by A. Terentius Varro Murena and L. Trebellius, curule aediles, before 23 BCE, “probably 44 BC” (A.E. Gordon note) (9. with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR106436
  • CIL 6.1348 – Epitaph for Sextus Appius Severus, set up by his daughter, 70-77 CE – EDR109233
  • CIL 6.1349 – Dedication to Appia Severa by her husband L. Ceionius Commodus, consul ordinarius in 78 CE – EDR109238
  • CIL 6.1367 – Dedication on a base honoring Helvinus (C. Caerellius Pollittianus), former proconsul of Macedonia and patron of the dedicators, Boncii Victorinus, Agentius and Brutto, 218-221 CE (3) – EDR109277
  • CIL 6.1374 a+b  (= CIL 6.31639) – Epitaph of G. Cestius Epulo on his pyramid tomb, not later than 12 BCE (8 + large negative) – EDR093683
  • CIL 6.1375 – Two nearly identical statue bases near Cestius’ pyramid (CIL 6.1374) to commemorate the deceased C. Cestius and the commissioning of the statues by the five heirs of Cestius and his brother, 18-12 BCE (5) – EDR093684
  • CIL 6.1418 – Dedication on a statue base to T. Flavius Postumius Titianus, 295-305 CE (2) – EDR109472
  • CIL 6.1422mp – EDR109475
  • CIL 6.1442 (= CIL 6.41070) – Fragments of a senatorial decree, 54-68 CE – EDR093350
  • CIL 6.1447 (= CIL 6.31657) – Dedication on the front and right side of statue base for L. Lorenius Palat. Crispinus, former consul, by the Lorenii (probably freedmen), January 1, 244 CE (5, with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR110748
  • CIL 6.1449 – Fragmentary epitaph of M. Macrionius Avitus Catonius Vindex, former consul and governor of Upper and Lower Moesia, set up by his wife Iunia Flaccinilla and their daughter Macrinia Rufina, 171-182 CE (2) – EDR110750
  • CIL 6.1468 (= CIL 6.31662) – Inscription of L. Naevius Surdinus, former praetor, on the reverse of the Curtius relief, 12 BCE – AJH (4) – EDR110941
  • CIL 6.1475 (= CIL 6.41192) – Dedication honoring M. Nummius Umbrius Primus M. Filius Gal. Senecio Albinus, former consul (with his ‘cursus honorum’), 206 CE (2) – EDR093456
  • CIL 6.1476 (= CIL 6.31664, 6.41194) – Fragment of a dedication to C. Octavius Appius Suetrius Sabinus, 228-240 CE (2) – EDR093457
  • CIL 6.1477mp (= CIL 6.1551; 6.41193) – EDR079877
  • CIL 6.1479 – Inscription commemorating the completion of the family ‘heroum’ (burial monument for those especially highly esteemed) for Lucius Ovinius Curius Proculus Modianus Africanus, former consul, for Claudiana Eusebia, his wife, and Lucius Ovinius Africanus, his grandson, end of third–beginning of fourth century CE (5) – EDR110977
  • CIL 6.1491 (= CIL 14.2803) – Fragments of an honorary inscription for Q. Pompeius Falco Sosius Priscus, 212-217 or 218-222 CE (9) – EDR111798
  • CIL 6.1492 – A decree of the senate in Ferentinum requesting the patronage of a Roman senator, T. Pomponius Bassus, who had recently and successfully completed a task assigned by Trajan, on a bronze tablet, 101 CE – EDR110983
  • CIL 6.1502 sq (3) – EDR092717
  • CIL 6.1517 sq (2) – EDR111265
  • CIL 6.1527 (= CIL 6.31670, 6.37053 6.41062) – Laudatio Turiae, eulogy by a husband for his wife, late 1st century BCE – AEG (5), CLB (3) – EDR093344
  • CIL 6.1533 (= CIL 14.3996) – CLB – EDR029502
  • CIL 6.1539 (= CIL 6.31674) – EDR111345
  • CIL 6.1540 (= CIL 6.41145) – Two fragments of a statue base honoring T. Pomponius Proculus Vitrasius Pollio, 178-180 CE (6, with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR093415
  • CIL 6.1543mp (= CIL 6.41155) – EDR093424
  • CIL 6.1545mp (= CIL 6.31677; 6.41124) – EDR093395
  • CIL 6.1551mp (= CIL 6.1477; 6.41193) – EDR079877
  • CIL 6.1572 (= CIL 6.41077) – Epitaph of a Roman official in the reign of Nero, 54-68 CE or little later – EDR093355
  • CIL 6.1585a-b – Three letters, in two different hands, from imperial accountants about allocations for building a home for Adrastus, an imperial freedman who was caretaker of the Column of Marcus Aurelius, 193 CE (10) – EDR111372EDR111374
  • CIL 6.1603 sq (2) – EDR111401
  • CIL 6.1631mp – EDR111442
  • CIL 6.1656c (= CIL 6.1120b, 6.31882) – Dedication by Fabius Felix Passifilus Paulinus, the urban prefect, on the reverse of a statue base, with an earlier dedication to Diocletian by Aemilius Victor dating to 285-305 CE, 450-476 CE (4) – EDR118183
  • CIL 6.1678 sq (2) – EDR129297
  • CIL 6.1680 sq – EDR106460
  • CIL 6.1690 – EDR076346
  • CIL 6.1698 (10) + sq (2) – EDR123515
  • CIL 6.1703 sq (2) – EDR111467
  • CIL 6.1704 (6) + sq (4) – EDR127936
  • CIL 6.1725 = Album 360 (4 AEG + 1 CLB) + sq (2 AEG) – EDR136330
  • CIL 6.1727 sq (2) – EDR137769
  • CIL 6.1736 + sq (3) – EDR130289
  • CIL 6.1751 (2) + sq (2) – EDR122122
  • CIL 6.1753 sq (2) – EDR122124
  • CIL 6.1759 sq (2) – EDR137772
  • CIL 6.1766mp (= CIL 6.31894; 6.41328) – EDR093563
  • CIL 6.1767 sq = CIL 6.31926 (2) – EDR118428
  • CIL 6.1768 (2) + sq (2) – EDR122119
  • CIL 6.1778 – Statue base dedicated to Vettius Agorius Praetextius, a pagan priest and civic official, February 1, 387 CE (13, with notes by A.E. Gordon) – EDR126995
  • CIL 6.1794 (= CIL 6.31933, 6.40807) - EDR073917
  • CIL 6.1799 – EDR111569
  • CIL 6.1859 + CIL 6.1860 – EDR130804EDR130776
  • CIL 6.1884 – Memorial dedication set up by Valens Phaedimianus, an imperial freedman, to honor M. Ulpius Phaedimus, imperial freedman and Trajan’s personal servant, whose remains were returned to Rome from Selinus (Cilicia) with permission from the college of pontiffs, 130 CE (4) – EDR153304
  • CIL 6.1899 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 1289) – Funerary inscription for freedmen and lictors, M. Cornelius Apollonius and M. Cornelius Macedonis and his wife Pompilia, date uncertain (3) – EDR159657
  • CIL 6.1958a (= CIL I2: 2.1, 1203-1205) – Tomb of M. Vergilius Eurysaces, a freedman and baker, and his wife Atistia, 50-20 BCE – AEG (2), CLB (1) – EDR104292
  • CIL 6.1958b (= CIL I2: 2.1, 1206) – Funerary inscription of Atistia, wife of M. Vergilius Eurysaces, a baker, 50-20 BCE  (4, with notes by A.E. Gordon) (sq) – EDR104294
  • CIL 6.1975 – EDR032796
  • CIL 6.1978 sq – EDR118882
  • CIL 6.1979 – Fragment of the fasti of the Salii Palatini, 178-181 CE (3, with note by A.E. Gordon) – EDR118777
  • CIL 6.1980 – Fragment of the fasti of the Salii Palatini, 186-191 CE – EDR118782
  • CIL 6.1983 sq (2)