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IG I(3)

All squeezes are from the Stephen V. Tracy Collection (SVT) except where indicated.

( ) = number of pieces to squeeze
* = Very worn or small fragments
AEG = Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S. Gordon Collection
AJH = Gift of Andrew J. Heisserer
AMC = Avery-McDonald Collection
DRL = Gift of Donald R. Laing
JMB = Gift of Jack M. Balcer
WU = Gift of Washington University, St. Louis

  • IG I3 1 – Decree concerning Salamis, 510-500 BCE – WU, AMC (3) 
  • IG I3 4 – Decree concerning the Athenian Acropolis (Hekatompedon Inscription), ca. 485/4 BCE – stoichedon – AMC  (2)
  • IG I3 6 – Regulations governing the Eleusinian Mysteries, before ca. 460 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 10 – AMC
  • IG I3 11 – Decree concerning alliance with Egesta, 458/7 or 418/7 BCE – stoichedon – WU, DRL, AMC (2)
  • IG I3 12 + IG I3 11, frag. b – Fragments of decrees concerning Athenian alliances with Halikyai and Egesta, ca. 433/2 BCE (12) and mid-5th century BCE (11b) – stoichedon – DRL
  • IG I3 16 – Decree concerning alliance with Erythrai, mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 17, frag. a – Decree honoring the Sigeians, 451/0 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 18 – Fragment of proxeny decree, ca. 450 BCE – stoichedon – DRL
  • IG I3 21 – Decree concerning regulations for Miletus, 450/49 BCE (?) – stoichedon – WU
  • IG I3 22 – Fragment, ca. 450 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 24 – Honorary decree, ca. 450 BCE – stoichedon – WU
  • IG I3 26* – Fragment, ca. 450 BCE
  • IG I3 29 – Praise of an allied city, ca. 450/49 BCE – stoichedon (frag. a gift of DRL)
  • IG I3 31 – Treaty between Athens and Hermione, ca. 450 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 34, frags. a-b – Decree of Kleinias regulating the collection of tribute, 448/7 BCE (?) – stoichedon – WU, AMC
  • IG I3 35 – Decree concerning the Temple of Athena Nike, ca. 448 BCE – stoichedon – SVT, WU, AMC
  • IG I3 36 – Decree concerning the Priestess of Athena Nike, 424/3 BCE – stoichedon – SVT, WU, AMC
  • IG I37 – Decree concerning Kolophon, 447/6 BCE (?) – AMC
  • IG I3 39 – Decree concerning Eretria, 446/5 BCE (?) – JMB
  • IG I3 40 – Decree concerning regulations for Chalkis, 446/5 BCE – stoichedon – JMB, AMC
  • IG I3 44 – Decree concerning the lease of public property, ca. 450 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 46, frags. a,b* – Decree concerning the colony at Brea, ca. 445 BCE– stoichedon – JMB, WU, AMC
  • IG I3 48, frags. b,c – Fragment of a treaty with Samos, 439/8 BCE – stoichedon – DRL (c), AMC (b)
  • IG I3 49 – Decree concerning the water supply, 440-432 BCE – stoichedon – WU, AMC
  • IG I3 50, frags. a,b – Fragments of decree concerning public works, ca. 430 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 54 – Treaty with Leontinoi, 433/2 BCE – stoichedon – WU, AMC
  • IG I3 56 – Proxeny decree for unknown man, 440-425 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 59, side A – Fragments of a decree, ca. 430 BCE– stoichedon – DRL
  • IG I3 60 – Fragments of a decree concerning the collection of tribute, ca. 430 BCE – stoichedon – DRL
  • IG I3 61 – Decree concerning Methone, 430/29–424/3 BCE – stoichedon – WU, AMC (2)
  • IG I3 62 – Decree concerning Aphytis and Poteidaia, 428/7 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 66 – Decree concerning Mytilene, 427/6 BCE – stoichedon – DRL
  • IG I3 68 – Fragments of a decree of Kleonymos concerning the collection of tribute, 426/5 BCE – stoichedon – AMC
  • IG I3 69 – Proxeny decree for unknown man and his sons, 426/5 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 71 – Fragments of a decree concerning the reassessment of tribute, 425/4 BCE – stoichedon – SVT, AMC (4)
  • IG I3 76, frag. h*– Fragment of a treaty with certain cities in Bottike, 422 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 78 – Decree on the Eleusinian First Fruits, 434-414 BCE – stoichedon – WU, AMC (2)
  • IG I3 80 – Proxeny decree for Asteas of Aleia, 421/0 BCE – stoichedon – WU
  • IG I3 83 – Treaty with Argos, Mantineia, and Elis, 420 BCE – stoichedon – WU
  • IG I3 86, frag. g – Fragment of decree concerning Eleusis, 417/6 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 89 – Treaty with Perdikkas of Macedon, 430-413 BCE – stoichedon – WU
  • IG I3 90 – Decree concerning coinage, 440-420 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 91, frag. g – Fragment of proxeny decree for Proxenides of Knidos, 416/5 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 92 – Proxeny decree for Kallippos of Thessaly, 430-415 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 93 – Decree concerning the Sicilian Expedition, 415 BCE – stoichedon – WU (8), DRL (9), AMC (7)
  • IG I3 94 – Fragment of decree concerning Eresos, ca. 415 BCE – stoichedon – WU, DRL, AMC
  • IG I3 95 – Fragment of proxeny decree for unknown Ionian, 415/4 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 100* – Fragment of tribute census, ca. 410/9 BCE
  • IG I3 101 – Decree concerning Neapolis, 410/9 BCE and 407/6 BCE (?) – stoichedon from line 47 – WU, AMC
  • IG I3 102 – Decree honoring Thrasyboulos of Kalydon and other assassins of Phrynichos, 410/09 BCE – stoichedon – WU, AMC (2)
  • IG I3 104 – Drakon's law on homicide, 409/8 BCE – stoichedon – WU, AMC (2)
  • IG I3 105, frag. d – Fragment of law regulating the Council of 500, ca. 409 BCE – stoichedon – JMB
  • IG I3 110 – Proxeny decree for Oeniades, 408/7 BCE – stoichedon – SVT, AMC
  • IG I3 117 – Decree in honor of Archelaos, 407/6 BCE – stoichedon – WU, AMC
  • IG I3 118 – AMC (2)
  • IG I3 119 – AMC
  • IG I3 121 – Fragment of a proxeny decree, 407/6 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 122 – Fragments of an honorary decree, 413-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 125, frag. c – Decree in honor of Epikerdes of Kyrene, 405/4 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 128 – Fragments of a decree, ca. 440 BCE
  • IG I3 129 – Fragment of a sacred law, 440-430 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 131 – Decree concerning the Prytaneion, 440-432 BCE (?) – stoichedon – WU
  • IG I3 135 – Fragment of a sacred law, 430-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 140 – Fragment of a sacred decree, second half of the 5th century BCE – stoichedon – DRL
  • IG I3 146 – Fragment of a decree, 445-430 BCE
  • IG I3 149 – Fragments of decree concerning Egesta, 432-412 BCE – stoichedon – JMB
  • IG I3 153 – Decree concerning triremes, 440-425 BCE – stoichedon – WU, DRL
  • IG I3 155 – Fragment of proxeny decree for Krison and others, 440-430 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 156 – Decree in honor of Leonides of Halikarnassos, 440-425 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 165, frag. a – Fragment of a proxeny decree, before 420 BCE (?) – stoichedon – DRL
  • IG I3 178 – Decree in honor of Dorkis and his wife, 420-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 181 – Fragment of a proxeny decree, ca. 411/0 BCE – DRL
  • IG I3 182, frags. a-b – Decree honoring Antiochides, Phanostenes and others for services to the Athenian navy and the waiving of certain taxes, 430-405 BCE, prob. 420-414 BCE – stoichedon – DRL
  • IG I3 187 – Fragment of a decree, ca. 430 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 188bis, addenda – Fragment of a decree, late 5th century, 425-400 BCE
  • IG I3 196* – Fragment of a decree, 425-405 BCE
  • IG I3 202 – Fragment of a decree, after 445 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 210 – Fragment of a decree, 430-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 225 – Fragment of a decree, 440-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 230 – Fragment of a sacred law, 520-510 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 231 – Sacred law on the Mysteries, 510-500 BCE – boustrophedon
  • IG I3 232 – Sacred law, 510-480 BCE – boustrophedon
  • IG I3 236 – Naval law, 410-404 BCE, ca. 406 BCE (?) – stoichedon – DRL (2)
  • IG I3 239, frag. a – Fragment of a sacred law, date uncertain
  • IG I3 240 + Agora I 4310 – Sacred law, frags. H-K, ca. 411-400 BCE
  • IG I3 243 – Fragments of a sacred law: decree of the deme of Melite, 480-450 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 248 – AMC
  • IG I3 253-254 – Inventory of the Parthenon, 420/19 BCE – stoichedon – WU
  • IG I3 262, col. V, lines 3-6 – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 4, 451/0 BCE
  • IG I3 264 (part) – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 6 or 7, 449/8 or 448/7 BCE – AEG
  • IG I3 265, col. I, lines 26-30 – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 8, 447/6 BCE
  • IG I3 269 – Fragments of Athenian Tribute List 12, 443/2 BCE – SVT (col. IV), AMC (col. II-IV)
  • IG I3 270 – Athenian Tribute List 13, 442/1 BCE – DRL
  • IG I3 271, col. II, lines 83-88 – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 14, 441/0 BCE
  • IG I3 272, face D, lines 1-12, 23-45, 20ff – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 15, 440/39 BCE – DRL, AEG, AMC (4)
  • IG I3 277, col. IV, lines 31-33 – Fragment of Athenian Tribute list 20, 435/4 BCE
  • IG I3 278 (part) – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 21, 434/3 BCE
  • IG I3 279, col. I-II, lines 71-88, 78-88 – AMC (2)
  • IG I3 280 – Athenian Tribute List 23, 432/1 BCE – stoichedon – DRL, AMC
  • IG I3 281 (part) – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 25, 430/29 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 283, frag. 4 – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 27, 428/7 BCE or 426/5 BCE – DRL
  • IG I3 286, frag. 3, lines 8-15 – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 35(?), 420/19 BCE – DRL
  • IG I3 287, frags. 1, 4 and 5 – Fragment of Athenian Tribute List 37, 418/7 BCE – stoichedon – SVT (4, 5), AMC (1)
  • IG I3 291 – Fragments of the Athenian Tribute Lists (?): contributions of cities in Sicily and Southern Italy, 427-424 BCE or ca. 415 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 292-295, frag. i – Fragment of an inventory of the Pronaos, 434/3–431/0 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 302, frag. c, lines 33-38 – Fragment of an inventory record, 402/3 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 313 – Inventory of the Pronaos, 411/0 BCE – WU
  • IG I3 314-316 – Inventory of the Pronaos, 409/8 BCE – stoichedon – WU
  • IG I3 363 – AMC
  • IG I3 364 – Payment for expeditions to Kerkyra, 433/2 BCE – stoichedon – WU, AMC
  • IG I3 365 – Fragments of accounts, 432/1 BCE – stoichedon – SVT (frags. e-f), AMC (frags. a-d)
  • IG I3 369 – AMC
  • IG I3 370 – AMC (2)
  • IG I3 371  – AMC 
  • IG I3 373 – AMC
  • IG I3 379 – Accounts of the treasurers of Athena and the other gods, 405/4 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 380 – Accounts of the treasurers of Athena and the other gods, 404/3 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 381* – Fragment of accounts, end of 5th century BCE
  • IG I3 403, frag. e* – Fragment of treasure records of Artemis Brauronia, ca. 416/5 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 405 – Treasure records of Poseidon Hippios, 413/2–412/1 BCE and 407/6–406/5 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 406* – Fragments of treasure records, ca. 420-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 407 – Fragment of treasure records, 412-405 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 408* – Fragment of treasure records, 412-405 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 409 – Fragments of treasure records, 420-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 410* – Fragments of treasure records, date uncertain – stoichedon
  • IG I3 412 – Fragment of treasure records, 425-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 413* – Fragment of treasure records, end of 5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 414 – Fragment of treasure records, end of 5th century BCE
  • IG I3 416* – Fragment of treasure records (?), 430-400 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 418, frag. b – Fragment of a lease of sacred property in Euboia, ca. 430-410 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 421 – Accounts of the sale of confiscated property of the Hermokopidai, including Alkibiades, ca. 414/3 BCE – stoichedon (in part)
  • IG I3 422 – Accounts of the sale of confiscated property of the Hermokopidai, ca. 414/3 BCE – stoichedon (in part)
  • IG I3 423 – Fragment of accounts of the sale of confiscated property of the Hermokopidai, ca. 414/3 BCE
  • IG I3 424 – Fragment of accounts of the sale of confiscated property of the Hermokopidai, ca. 414/3 BCE
  • IG I3 425 – Fragment of accounts of the sale of confiscated property of the Hermokopidai, ca 414/3 BCE
  • IG I3 426 – Fragments of accounts of the sale of confiscated property of the Hermokopidai, ca. 414/3 BCE – stoichedon (copies of frags. c-j, lines 58-71 and frag. m from DRL)
  • IG I3 427, frags. c, d – Fragments of accounts of the sale of confiscated property of the Hermokopidai, ca. 414/3 BCE
  • IG I3 430, frag. c – Fragment of accounts of the sale of confiscated property of the Hermokopidai, ca. 414/3 BCE
  • IG I3 431 – Fragment of accounts of the Poletai, date uncertain
  • IG I3 432* – Fragment of accounts of the Poletai, date uncertain
  • IG I3 435, frags. c, x, y – Fragments of accounts for the statue of Athena Promachos, ca. 450 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 440 + 442 + 449 – AMC (2)
  • IG I3 456 – Fragment of accounts for the statue of Athena Parthenos, 443/2 BCE or 441/0 BCE
  • IG I3 458 – Fragment of an account for the statue of Athena, 440/39 BCE – stoichedon – DRL (fr. a), AMC
  • IG I3 459 –AMC
  • IG I3 462, frags. c+d - 465, col. II, c+d – AMC
  • IG I3 465, col. III, frags. d+e, lines 113-130 – AMC
  • IG I3 466 Y* – Fragment of the building accounts for the Propylaia, 433/2 BCE
  • IG I3 467 – Fragment of accounts for gold Nike statues, ca. 430/29 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 472 – Accounts for statues of Athena and Hephaistos, 421/0–419/8 BCE – stoichedon – WU
  • IG I3 474* – Building account of the Erectheion, 409/8 BCE – SVT, DRL
  • IG I3 475 – Fragments of building accounts of the Erechtheion, 409/8 BCE – DRL
  • IG I3 476 – Building accounts for the Erectheion, 408/7 BCE – stoichedon – WU, DRL, AMC
  • IG I3 480* – Fragment of accounts, 430-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 481* – Fragment of accounts, 408-405 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 487* – Fragment of accounts, 430-400 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 490* – Fragment of accounts, 425-400 BC E– stoichedon
  • IG I3 492* – Fragment of accounts, 440-410 BCE
  • IG I3 493* – Fragment of accounts, date uncertain
  • IG I3 494* – Fragments of accounts, date uncertain
  • IG I3 495* – Fragments of accounts, 410-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 496* – Fragment of accounts, date uncertain
  • IG I3 497* – Fragment of accounts, date uncertain
  • IG I3 501 – Dedication of the spoils of victory over the Boiotians, A: ca. 505 BCE, B: ca. 455 BCE – AEG, AMC (2)
  • IG I3 502 – Epigram on tyrannicides Harmodias and Aristogeiton, 477/6 BCE – AMC
  • IG I3 503/504 A – Funerary epigram for those fallen in the Battle of Marathon, ca. 479 BCE – WU, AMC (3)
  • IG I3 507 – Dedication on the Acropolis for the Panathenaic Festival, ca. 565 BCE (?) – AEG, WU
  • IG I3 508, right side – Fragment of dedication on the Acropolis for the Panathenaic Festival, 562–558 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 597 – Dedication by Alkmeonides, ca. 550 BCE (?) – WU
  • IG I3 605 – Fragment of a dedication, 530-520 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 608 – Fragment of a dedication, 530-520 BCE (?) – WU
  • IG I3 621 – Fragment of a dedication, ca. 525 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 646 – Fragment of a dedication of Smikros, 510-500 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 653 – Fragment of a dedication, ca. 510-500 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 660 – Fragment of a dedication of Teisikles, 510-500 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 683 – Fragment of a dedication with cutter's signature, 510-500 BCE (?) – AEG, WU
  • IG I3 695A – Fragment of a dedication, 500-480 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 696A – Fragment of a dedication, 500-480 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 702 – Fragment of a dedication, 500-480 BCE (?) – AEG, WU
  • IG I3 705 – Fragment of a dedication, 500-480 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 735 – Fragment of a dedication, 500-480 BCE – AEG
  • IG I3 773 – Dedication of Timarchos to Athena, with signature of Onatas, 500-480 BCE (?) – WU
  • IG I3 775 – Dedication of Hierokleides, 500-480 BCE (?) – WU
  • IG I3 784 – Dedication of Kallimachos, 490-485 BCE (?) – WU, AMC
  • IG I3 842 – Fragment of a dedication, ca. 470 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 843 – Fragment of a dedication, ca. 470 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 876 – Fragment of a dedication of Kallias, ca. 450 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 943 – Fragment of an inscribed basin, ca. mid-5th century BCE
  • IG I3 945 + Agora I 2277 – Fragment of epigram for Athenian dead at Poteidaia, ca. 432 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 948 – Dedication of an altar by Peisistratos, son of Hippias, 520-511 BCE (?) – WU, AMC
  • IG I3 949 – Fragment of a dedication, 510-500 BCE (?) – AEG
  • IG I3 958 – Choregic dedication of Leagros, ca. 450-440 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 962 – Choregic monument, end of 5th century BCE
  • IG I3 967 – Fragment of choregic dedication with the name of the poet Pantakles, end of 5th century BCE
  • IG I3 968 – Fragment of choregic dedication, ca. 400 BCE
  • IG I3 1031 – List of eponymous archons, ca. 425 BCE – stoichedon – SVT (3), AMC
  • IG I3 1036 – Fragments of a casualty list, mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1038 – Fragments of a catalog of names, probably from the phyle Pandionis, ca. 450 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1044 – Fragment of a casualty list, after 450 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1046 – Fragment of a casualty list (?), 5th century BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1050 – Fragment of a boundary marker (horos), ca. 475 BCE
  • IG I3 1052 – Boundary marker (horos) of the Anakeion, ca. 450 BCE
  • IG I3 1053 – Boundary marker (horos) of a sanctuary, 425-400 BCE
  • IG I3 1056 – Boundary marker (horos) of the sanctuary of Zeus Eleutherios, mid-5th century BCE
  • IG I3 1058 – Boundary marker (horos), ca. 450 BCE
  • IG I3 1074 – Boundary marker (horos) of a sanctuary, beginning of 4th century BCE
  • IG I3 1097 – Boundary marker (horos), before mid-5th century BCE
  • IG I3 1104B – Boundary marker (horos), middle of 5th century BCE – DRL
  • IG I3 1117 – Trittys marker (horos) of Skambonidai, ca. 450 BCE
  • IG I3 1119 – Trittys marker (horos) of Sphettioi, end of 5th century BCE
  • IG I3 1121 – Trittys marker (horos), mid-5th century BCE
  • IG I3 1122 – Trittys marker (horos) of the phyles Akamantis and Hippothontis, mid- to late-5th century BCE
  • IG I3 1123 – Trittys marker (horos) of the phyle Oineis, after mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1125 – Trittys marker (horos) of the phyle Antiochis, ca. 450 BCE
  • IG I3 1139 – Boundary marker (horos) for the grave of Helike, ca. 400 BCE
  • IG I3 1142 – Fragment of a funerary epigram, ca. 498-470 BCE (?)
  • IG I3 1143 – AMC (2 copies in 3 pieces)
  • IG I3 1145 – Fragment of a casualty list, before mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1148 – Fragment of a funerary epigram, before mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1153 – Casualty list, a little before mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1159 – Public funerary monument of non-Athenians, mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1160 – Fragment of a casualty list, mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1161 – Fragment of a casualty list, a little after mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1162 – Casualty list and epigram for Athenians killed in wars, 447 BCE – WU, AMC
  • IG I3 1164, col. I – Fragment of casualty list, ca. mid-5th century BCE – WU
  • IG I3 1170 – Fragment of an epigram from a public funerary monument, after mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1171 – Fragments of public funerary monument, after mid-5th century BCE, ca. 440 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1172 – Casualty list, after mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1180 – Fragments from the first Athenian casualty list of the Peloponnesian War, ca. 431 BCE (?) – stoichedon (+ copy from Donald R. Laing)
  • IG I3 1182 – Fragments of public funerary monument, ca. mid-5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1183 – Fragments of a casualty list, ca. 430-425 BCE
  • IG I3 1187a – Fragment of a public funerary monument, 5th century BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1189 – Fragment of a public funerary monument, 450-400 BCE
  • IG I3 1191 – Casualty list, ca. 409 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1204 – Funerary epigram of Thrason, 540-530 BCE (?) – WU
  • IG I3 1208 – Funerary epigram of Antilochos, ca. 530 BCE (?) – WU
  • IG I3 1211 – Funerary epigram of Xenophantos, 530-520 BCE (?) – WU
  • IG I3 1224 – Funerary epigram, ca. 510-500 BCE (?)
  • IG I3 1237bis – Funerary monument, 5th century BC, 440-425 BCE (?)
  • IG I3 1288 – Funerary epigram for Makartatos and Melanopos, ca. 410 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1288bis – Funerary epigram, 5th-4th century BC, ca. 410-403 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1294bis – Fragment of a funerary inscription, before mid-5th century BC, ca. 430-420 BCE (?)
  • IG I3 1294ter – Fragment of a funerary monument, ca. 425-400 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1295 – Funerary inscription for Archeus, end of 5th century BCE, ca. 430-403 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1305bis – Fragment of funerary inscription, ca. 425-400 BCE (?)
  • IG I3 1305ter – Grave marker, made from a marble roof tile, for Agonippos, 5th century, ca. 423-410 BCE
  • IG I3 1306 – Funerary monument for Teisimachos, 5th century BCE
  • IG I3 1330 – Funerary epigram of Myrrhine, priestess of Athena Nike, 430-400 BCE (?)
  • IG I3 1341bis – Funerary inscription for Hermaios, an Egyptian, ca. 425-400 BCE (?)
  • IG I3 1348 – Funerary monument, mid-5th century BC, ca. 445-430 BC (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1353 – Fragment of a funerary epigram, ca. 445-425 BCE (?) – AMC
  • IG I3 1369bis – Funerary monument, end of 5th–beginning for 4th century BCE, ca. 430-410 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1381 – Funerary epigram, 5th century BC, ca. 431-404 BCE (?) – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1418 – Graffito from the Acropolis, 8th century BCE, ca. 700 BCE (?) – WU
  • IG I3 1428* – Fragment, ca. 450 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1437 – Fragment of a casualty list(?), after mid-5th century BCE
  • IG I3 1438 – Fragment, ca. 440 BCE
  • IG I3 1440* – Fragment, 430-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1441* – Fragment, 5th century BCE (?)
  • IG I3 1446 – Fragment, ca. 435-405 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1447* – Fragment, ca. 430 BCE – stoichedon
  • IG I3 1503 – Metrical epitaph for Antistates, ca. 450-431 BCE (?) – WU