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Ohl, American Academy in Rome

CLB = Gift of Charles L. Babcock

Ohl, R.T. "The Inscriptions at the American Academy in Rome," Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 9 (1931) 89-133 + plates.

  • Ohl 119, no. 66 – Seven fragments of a Greek inscription, ca. 190-250 CE – CLB
  • Ohl 122, no. 99 – An apotropaic tablet with a curse against those who desecrate churches, with a reference to Jews, reign of Justinian, ca. 6th century CE – CLB
  • Ohl 122, no. 100 – An elegiac funerary inscription for Antiochus, 2nd century BCE – CLB
  • Ohl 122, no. 106 – CLB
  • Ohl 123, no. 107 - Metrical funerary inscription for Ammonius, 1st-3rd century CE - CLB


American Academy in Rome – These photographs and a squeeze were collected for a still-unpublished catalog of the inscriptions of the American Academy by Charles L. Babcock (ed.) The Inscriptions at the American Academy in Rome. American Journal of Ancient History, n.s. 9 (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press 2015), with an appendix by C. Fant and revisions by T.C. Brennan and M. Johnson (eds.). See C.L. Babcock, “The Inscriptions,” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Suppl. Volume 11: The Collection of Antiquities of the American Academy in Rome, L. Bonfante, H. Nagy and J. Collins-Clinton, eds. (Ann Arbor 2015) 90-104, for a preliminary publication.

  • AAR Inv. No. 9456 – Columbarium tablet for Flavia Marina, daughter of Antigonos and Zoe, undatable