All photographs are in the Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S. Gordon Collection (AEG) unless otherwise indicated.
mp = in multiple photo file
( ) = number of photos/slides in file
AJH = Slides gift of A.J. Heisserer
CLB = Gift of Charles L. Babcock
EDR = Epigraphic Database Roma
- CIL 7.66 – Funerary monument for Dannicus, a cavalry trooper, with a relief of a mounted trooper holding a lance and riding over an enemy (image on a postcard sent from Alfred Fairbank to Arthur and Joyce Gordon), imperial period
- CIL 7.90 – Funerary monument for Marcus Favonius Facilis, set up by his freedmen, with relief of a centurion, 1st century CE, ca. 50-60 CE (?)
- CIL 7.473 – Fragments of a dedication (reconstructed) to co-emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus (image on a postcard sent from Eric Birley to Arthur Gordon, June 20, 1956), 163 CE
- CIL 8.19 – Funerary monument of Domitia Rogata set up her husband M. Iulius Cethegus Phelyssam, mid-2nd century CE – Gift of J.M.R. Cormack (2)
- CIL 8.10570 (= CIL 8.14464) – The Saltus Burunitanus, a petition to and response from the emperor Commodus to a complaint of managerial abuses from ‘coloni’ (lease-holding farmers) on an imperial estate, dedicated May 15, 181 CE (3 photos sent from Professor Noël David at the Louvre to A.E. Gordon, May 8, 1974)
- CIL 8.14464 (= CIL 8.10570) – The Saltus Burunitanus, a petition to and response from the emperor Commodus to a complaint of managerial abuses from ‘coloni’ (lease-holding farmers) on an imperial estate, dedicated May 15, 181 CE (3 photos sent from Professor Noël David at the Louvre to A.E. Gordon, May 8, 1974)
- CIL 8.20600 – Memorial for a Christian martyr, 474 CE (2, including translation) – AJH
- CIL 9.338 – Copy of an album decurionum (record of the town council) and list of civic patrons from Canusium, bronze tablet, 223 CE (in A.E. Gordon’s hand, on reverse of photo 1, “now in Florence, Museo Archeologico (whence this photo, Mar. 21, 1956)”; reverse of photo 2, “from Miss Bertocchi, June 19, 1956” (2) - EDR017264
- CIL 9.1140mp – EDR132972
- CIL 9.1455 – Tabula alimentaria Ligurum Baebianorum – bronze tablet of regulations regarding alimenta (monetary support for poor children), 101 CE (5) - EDR144345
- CIL 9.3128 (= CIL I2: 2.1 1776) – Fragment of a metrical inscription below a relief of agricultural scenes, mid-1st century BCE - EDR115257
- CIL 9.3305 – Dedication to Q. Varius Geminus from the Vecellan region, 14-37 CE - EDR146784
- CIL 9.3306 – Dedication to Q. Varius Geminus from the people of Superaequum, 27 BCE–14 CE - EDR146787
- CIL 9.3513 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 756) – Regulations for the temple of Jupiter Liber (Lex aedis Furfensis), dedicated by L. Aienus and Q. Baebatius, 58 BCE (2) - EDR167161
- CIL 9.3918 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 724) – Honorary inscription for L. Cornelius Sulla, 82-79 BCE (2, with notes by A.E. Gordon) - EDR183611
- CIL 9.4029 – Funerary inscription set up by Sextuleia Felicula for herself, Orbius Tertius and Sextuleia Psyche, end of 1st-beginning of 2nd century CE (2) - EDR185290
- CIL 9.4059mp (= CIL 6.33029) – EDR111748
- CIL 9.4672 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 632) – Metrical votive dedication by Lucius Munius, mid-1st century BCE (3, with notes by A.E. Gordon) - EDR104303
- CIL 9.4677
- CIL 9.4769 (= CIL I2:1, p. 220) – Fasti Sabini, after 19 BCE
- CIL 9.4962 – Dedication to Constantius I Chloris from the people of Cures Sabini, 293-306 CE (2)
- CIL 9.4965 – Dedication to a senator, Lucius Julius Marinus Caecilius Simplex, 101 or 102 CE
- CIL 9.4972 – Dedication to L. Egnatius Marcianus, 215 CE (2)
- CIL 9.05329mp (= CIL 6.29714) – EDR116692
- CIL 9.5438 – Record of collegia who helped fund the repaving of the cattle market in Falerio, first half of 2nd century CE, ca. 119 CE - EDR10507
- CIL 9.5837 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 769) – Statue base honoring Cn. Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great), after 52 BCE (?) (consul in 70, 55, 52 BCE) (8, with notes by A.E. Gordon) - EDR015308
- CIL 9.7172 – CLB
- CIL 10.1089* (= CIL 6.402, 6.30755) – Votive dedication on an altar to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the Sun, and Sarapis by Scipio Orfitus, a senator and augur (copy), ca. 295 CE - EDR116457
- CIL 10.104 (= CIL I2 2.1, 581) – Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus, bronze tablet, 186 BCE - EDR169402
- CIL 10.802 – Dedication of a sundial mounted on a column by magistrates L. Sepunius Sandilianus and M. Herennius Epidianus at the Temple of Apollo at Pompeii, end of 1st century BCE – CLB (2) - EDR147211
- CIL 10.844 (= CIL I2 2.1, 1613) – Record of the building of a theater by C. Quinctius Valgus and M. Porcius, ca. 75 BCE
- CIL 10.1081 – Monument for M. Virtius Ceraunus, ca. 60 CE - EDR075801
- CIL 10.1125 – Statue base for C. Iulius Rufinianus Ablabius Tatianus, late-3rd–early-4th century CE, ca. 293-360 CE - EDR161812
- CIL 10.1271 (3)
- CIL 10.1596 – Taurobolic inscription honoring Venus Caelestis (Magna Mater) with the earliest mention of the ‘taurobolium,’ October 7, 134 CE - EDR134311
- CIL 10.1597 – Taurobolic inscription, December 4, 144 CE (2) - EDR102127
- CIL 10.1781
- CIL 10.2005 – Funerary monument for L. Aelius Hetaerus and Aelia Capitolina, set up by their freedwoman, Aelia Chrysothoe, 150-200 CE - EDR102086
- CIL 10.2462 – Funerary monument set up by A. Fraucius Carpus for himself, his wife, Fraucia Cyrilia, his freedmen and freedwomen, and their descendents, 150-200 CE - EDR073740
- CIL 10.2476 – Epitaph for Gellia Ias, a freedwoman, set up by Gellius Crescens, 2nd-3rd century CE - EDR105141
- CIL 10.2629 – Epitaph for Junia Theodota, set up by her husband, P. Rufinius Serenus, 3rd century CE - EDR130193
- CIL 10.2642 – Epitaph for Laelia Priscilla, 200-225 CE - EDR131452
- CIL 10.2707 – Epitaph for Margaris, set up by her husband, C. Iulius Hermeros, 150-200 CE - EDR131450
- CIL 10.2842 (= CIL 6.24037) – Funerary monument for Petronia Hedone, her son, L. Petronius Philemon, and their household of freedmen and freedwomen and their descendants, ca. 110-120 CE - EDR126730, EDR126749
- CIL 10.2922 – Epitaph for C. Rutilius Rufus, set up by his father, C. Rutilius Rufus, 275-325 CE - EDR131451
- CIL 10.2997 – Epitaph for A. Terentius Augurinus, set up by his brother, Augurius, 150-250 CE - EDR131369
- CIL 10.3048 – Epitaph for M. Valerius Hymnus, set up by his daughter, Valeria, 200-250 CE - EDR073743
- CIL 10.3086a – Epitaph for M. Verrius Flaccus, set up by his brother, Celsus, 1st century CE (photo by Alfred Fairbank, with letter from him to Joyce Gordon) - EDR142342
- CIL 10.3118 – Epitaph for Vitellia Felicitas, set up by her mother, Vitellia Helpis, 300-400 CE - EDR073741
- CIL 10.3149 – Epitaph for Ursena Creste, set up by Aelius Apollonides, 175-225 CE - EDR131370
- CIL 10.3358 – Funerary monument for imperial freedmen and freedwomen, 1st century CE (2) - EDR126868
- CIL 10.3401 – Funerary monument for Hermes, a slave, erected by Valerius Clemens, keeper of arms on the ‘Mercury,’ 2nd-4th century CE - EDR105140
- CIL 10.3507 – Funerary monument for Sentia Serapias, set up by her husband, a sailor on the ‘Mars,’ 250-300 CE - EDR073737
- CIL 10.3772 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 682)
- CIL 10.3776 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 675-676)
- CIL 10.3783 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 686)
- CIL 10.3861 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 640) – Boundary marker, 132-131 BCE (5) - EDR005697
- CIL 4751 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 720) (4)
- CIL 10.5405 – ‘Fasti Interamnates,’ list of magistrates, 67-75 CE - EDR149229
- CIL 10.5782 – End of a dedication for Gaius Marius, ca. 107 BCE (?) – AJH - EDR143322
- CIL 10.5806 (= CIL I2 2.1, 1530)
- CIL 10.5807 (= CIL I2 2.1, 1529) – Dedication to L. Betilienus Varus commemorating his constructions of public works, probably late 2nd century BCE, but not after 90 BCE (7, with notes by A.E. Gordon) - EDR071508
- CIL 10.5853 – Rock-cut epitaph honoring A. Quinctilius Priscus, a magistrate who set up a foundation to distribute in perpetuity public gifts of food, drink and money on his birthday, first half of 2nd century CE (reign of Trajan?) (2) - EDR155500
- CIL 10.6075 – Commemoration of a taurobolium performed by Helvia Stephanis, as priestess of Cybele, 241 CE - EDR154648
- CIL 10.6321 – A statue base (?) honoring Q. Roscius Coelius Murena Silius Decianus Vibullius Pius Iulius Eurycles Herclanus Pompeius Falco, 122-124 CE (2) - EDR156828
- CIL 10.6569 – Bilingual epitaph for Sex. Varius Marcellus (father of Elagabalus), set up by his wife, Julia Soaemias Bassiana and their children, between April 8, 217 and May 16, 218 CE or soon after (3) - EDR092729
- CIL 10.6639 – Fasti Antiates Minores, 12-17 CE (7) - EDR180921
- CIL 10.6656 – Record of the restoration of public baths at Antium by Anicius Auchenius Bassus, January 379 CE and November, 382 CE (2) - EDR171326
- CIL 10.6701 – Epitaph of Cn. Ambivius Maecianus, 98 CE or after (beginning of Trajan’s reign) - EDR180002
- CIL 10.6706 – Epitaph of C. Avidius Lacon, a freedman, set up by his wife Antistia Magna and their son, C. Avidius Euphrosynus, which warns against selling the burial plot on penalty of a fine, 167 CE (2) - EDR180003
- CIL 10.6816 – Milestone at the fifth mile from Rome on the Via Appia, with the name of the emperor Maxentius, 307-312 CE (2) - EDR163094
- CIL 10.6950 (= CIL I2 2.1, 638) – Lapis Polla, probable dedication to P. Popillius, mid- to late-2nd century BCE, ca. 132 BCE (?) (11) - EDR116637
- CIL 10.7296/ IG 14.297 – Bilingual sign for an inscription-cutter’s workshop, 1st century CE (?) – CLB - EDR140617