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CIL VI. 31009-41271 – Rome

All squeezes are in the Arthur E. Gordon and Joyce S. Gordon Collection unless otherwise indicated.

( ) = Number of copies
[ ] = Number of pieces to squeeze

  • CIL 6.31009 (= CIL 6.3711) – An inscribed altar to Silvanus dedicated by Gaius Humidius Qu(i)etus, a veteran of the eighth praetorian cohort, ca. 161-175 CE - EDR146950
  • CIL 6.31034, fr. a (= CIL 6.2185) – Fragment of an inscription recording the dedication by C. Iulius Anicetus of a rebuilt porticus for the shrine of the Palmyrene god, Sol Malachbelus, 102 CE - EDR158568
  • CIL 6.31113 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 999) – Fragment of a sacred dedication, date uncertain - EDR186721
  • CIL 6.31140 – Altar dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus and other gods, including the Genius of the Equites Singulares, by the men honorably discharged by Hadrian in 132 CE, whose names are on the sides of the altar, 132 CE [4] - EDR126841
  • CIL 6.31141 – Dedication of an altar to Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, other deities, and the Genius of the Equites Singulares by veterans honorably discharged by Hadrian in 133 CE and whose names are listed on the sides, 133 CE [2] - EDR030579
  • CIL 6.31142a,b = Album 189 [2] - EDR156878
  • CIL 6.31143a,c (part) = Album 190 [2] - EDR156879
  • CIL 6.31144a – Dedication of an altar to Jupiter, Juno, Minerva and other gods, 1st century CE (?) - EDR152466
  • CIL 6.31145a = Album 192 - EDR156883
  • CIL 6.31146a – Dedication of an altar to Jupiter, Juno, Minerva and other gods, 1st century CE (?) - EDR152509
  • CIL 6.31149a – Dedication of an altar to Jupiter, Juno, Minerva and other gods, 1st century CE (?) - EDR030578
  • CIL 6.31150a,c lines 8-16 = Album 204 [2] - EDR156886
  • CIL 6.31151a = Album 206 - EDR156887
  • CIL 6.31152 = Album 207 - EDR030577
  • CIL 6.31153 – Dedication of an altar to Apollo by T. Aurelius Domitius on his discharge as a hastilarius, 158 CE - EDR166473
  • CIL 6.31154 (= CIL 6.3682) – Dedication with relief of Hercules and Diana, January 6 or 7, 188 CE - EDR166499
  • CIL 6.31156 – Votive dedication to an unknown god by Mansuetus, a member of the equites singulares, before 117 CE - EDR166501
  • CIL 6.31157 – Dedication of an altar by a member of the equites singulares, 2nd century CE - EDR152638
  • CIL 6.31158 – Dedication of an altar to Jupiter and other gods by M. Ulpius Martialis on his military promotion, 2nd century CE - EDR141293
  • CIL 6.31162 = Album 277 - EDR166530
  • CIL 6.31164 = Album 290 [4] - EDR106343
  • CIL 6.31188 (= CIL 6.872, CIL I2: 2.1, 797) – Marble base dedicated to Julius Caesar, ca. 44-42 BCE - EDR104731
  • CIL 6.31192 (= CIL 6.886, 6.40372) – Epitaph of Agrippina the Elder, probably April, 37 CE [2] - EDR092858
  • CIL 6.31202 (= CIL 6.918) – Votive dedication of a golden object (a statuette?) to the emperor Claudius by C. Julius Postumus, prefect of Egypt, 47-48 CE - EDR103894
  • CIL 6.31204 (= CIL 6.921, 6.712*, 11.734*): ) – Three of five surviving dedications honoring the family of Emperor Claudius (brother Germanicus, mother Antonia, wife Agrippina, adopted son Nero, and daughter Octavia) that accompanied portraits on a triumphal arch commemorating Claudius’ victories in Britain, January 25, 51 CE–January 24, 52 CE - EDR103896
  • CIL 6.31205 (= CIL 6.924, CIL 6.40412) – Two inscriptions, from a statue base (?), honoring the emperor Claudius and his brother, Germanicus Caesar, 41-54 CE - EDR092877
  • CIL 6.31208 (= CIL 6.933) – Record of the restoration of a public vineyard by Vespasian via the college of pontiffs, 75 CE - EDR103910
  • CIL 6.31214 (= CIL 6.954) – Statue base dedicated to the deified Nerva by Septimius Severus, ca. 196 CE - EDR103977
  • CIL 6.31216 (= CIL 6.967a) – Dedication on a statue base to Hadrian by the bailiffs who served Hadrian and other magistrates, 118 CE [2] – EDR103996
  • CIL 6.31221 (= CIL 6.999) – Dedication on a statue base to Antoninus Pius by scribes of the imperial armory, 138 CE (between July 10 and Dec. 10?) - EDR104056
  • CIL 6.31226 (= CIL 6.1015, 6.40560) – Dedication to Marcus Aurelius, 175-180 CE – EDR092976
  • CIL 6.31236 (= CIL 6.1080, 6.40638) – Dedication to the health and victory of Caracalla by members of the fishermen and divers guild, 211 CE - EDR074497
  • CIL 6.31238 (= CIL 6.1089) – Dedication to Gordian III by Cornelia Praetextata in honor of his generosity, 239 CE - EDR110583
  • CIL 6.31267 = Album 31 - EDR100525
  • CIL 6.31280 (= CIL 6.40353) – Inscription honoring Drusus the Younger, 14-23 CE - EDR092844
  • CIL 6.31298 (= CIL 6.40497) – Fragments of a decree honoring Trajan set up by boys and girls who received alimenta, 102-114 CE [2] - EDR092925
  • CIL 6.31322 (= CIL 6.3768) – Dedication by L. Accius Iustus and his family for the health, victory and return of emperors Severus and Caracalla, Geta Caesar, Julia Domna and the imperial household (from the Parthian War?), 198-209 CE, probably 202 CE (2) [4]- EDR112025
  • CIL 6.31338 - EDR112050
  • CIL 6.31347 - EDR112833
  • CIL 6.31349 = Album 273 - EDR112834
  • CIL 6.31402 = Album 327 - EDR130288
  • CIL 6.31405 = Album 328 - EDR138282
  • CIL 6.31407 – Votive dedication of quinquennial vows by Valentinian on the occasion of the dedication of the Valentinian Bridge, ca. 365 CE - EDR138284
  • CIL 6.31538b (= CIL 6.1232) – Boundary marker of the pomerium, set up by Vespasian and Titus, 75 CE - EDR032555
  • CIL 6.31539a (= CIL 6.1233a) – Boundary marker of the pomerium, restored by the college of augurs by senate decree and the authority of Hadrian, 120-121 CE - EDR032553
  • CIL 6.31540h (= CIL I2: 2.1 766k) – Fragment of a boundary marker of the Tiber River, ca. 54 BCE - EDR127175
  • CIL 6.31541c – Boundary marker of the Tiber River, 8 BCE - EDR127203
  • CIL 6.31541h – Boundary marker of the Tiber River, 15 CE, except line 1, which must be after 30-33 CE  (A.E. Gordon) - EDR127208
  • CIL 6.31542a (= CIL 6.1236) – Boundary marker of the Tiber River, 7 or 6 BCE (probably June 26, 7 BCE – June 25, 6 BCE) - EDR127229
  • CIL 6.31543 – Record of the restoration of part of the Tiber embankment by the Tiber commission, ca. 15 CE - EDR128090
  • CIL 6.31545 – Boundary marker of the Tiber River set up by the Tiber commissioners (curatores riparum et alvei Tiberis) to mark the river bank from the Trigarium to the Pons Agrippae, reign of Claudius, 41-54 CE - EDR127293
  • CIL 6.31547 – Boundary marker indicating the right bank of the Tiber River set up by the Tiber commissioner, July-December, 73 CE - EDR127307
  • CIL 6.31548a – Boundary marker indicating the right bank of the Tiber River set up by the Tiber commissioner, July-December, 74 CE - EDR127308
  • CIL 6.31549d (= CIL 6.1239a) – Boundary marker of the Tiber River set up by T. Iulius Ferox, overseer of the Tiber and Sewers (under authority of Trajan), 101 CE - EDR127321
  • CIL 6.31549f – Boundary marker indicating the right bank of the Tiber River set up by the Tiber commissioner, 101 CE - EDR127333
  • CIL 6.31550a - EDR127446
  • CIL 6.31551 – Fragment of a boundary marker of the Tiber River, 2nd century CE - EDR127451
  • CIL 6.31555 – Boundary marker indicating the right bank of the Tiber River set up by the Tiber commissioner, 198 CE - EDR127584
  • CIL 6.31556 (= CIL 6.1242) – Record of Diocletian and Maximian’s restoration of the Tiber bank, which had collapsed, under the supervision of Manius Acilius Balbus Sabinus, overseer of the Tiber bed and banks, 284-305 CE - EDR127585
  • CIL 6.31559c = Album 89 - EDR123661
  • CIL 6.31561k = Album 27 (2) - EDR127890
  • CIL 6.31565c (= CIL 6.1253b) – Boundary marker of the Aqua Virgo aqueduct, 36-37 CE- EDR127735
  • CIL 6.31567 (= CIL 6.1260, 11.3793) – Dedication commemorating the construction of the Aqua Traiana by Trajan, 109 CE - EDR128160
  • CIL 6.31574 = Album 55 - EDR128008
  • CIL 6.31614 (= CIL 6.40885, I2: 2.1, 838) – Boundary marker with edict of L. Sentius, praetor, 93-89 BCE - EDR113977
  • CIL 6.31617 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 695) – Funerary inscription for Servius Sulpicius Galba, ca. 108 BCE - EDR122848
  • CIL 6.31657 (= CIL 6.1447) – Dedication on the front and right side of statue base for L. Lorenius Palat. Crispinus, former consul, by the Lorenii (probably freedmen), January 1, 244 CE - EDR110748
  • CIL 6.31664 (= CIL 6.1476, 6.41194) – Fragment of a dedication to C. Octavius Appius Suetrius Sabinus, 228-240 CE - EDR093457
  • CIL 6.31670 (= CIL 6.41062) – Laudatio Turiae, eulogy by a husband for his wife, ca. 8-2 BCE [4] - EDR093344
  • CIL 6.31702 – Fragment of the record of the restoration of a public monument by the consuls of 9 BCE, 9 BCE - EDR114003
  • CIL 6.31716 (= CIL 6.41184) – Honorary inscription for C. Iulius Camilius Galerius Asper, 215-225 CE - EDR093450
  • CIL 6.31721 – Funerary altar for M. Licinius Crassus Frugi, ca. 47 CE - EDR075347
  • CIL 6.31722 – Funerary altar for Cn. Pompeius Magnus, son of M. Licinus Crassus Frugi, ca. 47 CE - EDR030592
  • CIL 6.31723 = Album 126; ILS 240 (2) [2][1] - EDR030593
  • CIL 6.31724 - EDR114017
  • CIL 6.31725 – Funerary altar for C. Calpurnius Piso Crassus Frugi Licinianus, 1st century CE - EDR114021
  • CIL 6.31772 – Inscriptions recording repairs to a building, side 1, 3 BCE; side 2, ca. 41-42 CE - EDR114089EDR114088
  • CIL 6.31849 =Album 296 - EDR093532
  • CIL 6.31856 (= CIL 6.41271) – Honorary inscription on a statue base (?) for L. Iulius Iulianus, praetorian prefect, 189-190 CE - EDR093523
  • CIL 6.31882 (= CIL 6.1120b, 6.1656c) – Dedication by Fabius Felix Passifilus Paulinus, the urban prefect, on the reverse of a statue base, with an earlier dedication to Diocletian by Aemilius Victor dating to 285-305 CE, 450-476 CE - EDR118183
  • CIL 6.32001 = Album 364 [3] - EDR114725
  • CIL 6.32009 = Album 349 - EDR114541
  • CIL 6.32051 = Album 320 - EDR114762
  • CIL 6.32322 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 39, 6.2020, CIL 14.2231) – Fragment of a sacred dedication, 3rd century BCE - EDR121383EDR121384
  • CIL 6.32323 lines 51-66 (right) - EDR080573
  • CIL 6.32323 lines 56-98 (left) - EDR080573
  • CIL 6.32323 lines 99-126 - EDR080573
  • CIL 6.32323 lines 125-168 - EDR080573
  • CIL 6.32323 lines 138-157 (right) - EDR080573
  • CIL 6.32323 lines 147-155 (middle) - EDR080573
  • CIL 6.32323 lines 153-168 (bottom left) - EDR080573
  • CIL 6.32325a,b,c [3] - EDR130199
  • CIL 6.32329 (lines 23-33) – EDR185606
  • CIL 6.32338 – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales Fratres), 21-20 BCE - EDR029313
  • CIL 6.32340 (= CIL 6.2023b, 6.32339) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales Fratres), 21 CE - EDR029316
  • CIL 6.32341 (= CIL 6.2024, fr. e) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), ca. 27 CE - EDR029320
  • CIL 6.32342 (= CIL 6.2025, fr. a) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 33-36 CE - EDR029322
  • CIL 6.32343 (= CIL 6.2027) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), ca. 37 CE (?) - EDR029323
  • CIL 6.32344 (= CIL 6.2028, fr. a) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 38 CE (2) - EDR078812
  • CIL 6.32345 - Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales Fratres), 38-41 CE - EDR029328
  • CIL 6.32346, fr. e (= CIL 6.2029 fr. a, b, c, h, 6.2033 fr. f, 6.2036d) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), ca. 39 CE - EDR029325
  • CIL 6.32348 (= CIL 6.2034) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 54 CE (2) - EDR029333
  • CIL 6.32353, fr. f + g (= CIL 6.2040, fr. f + g) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), ca. 58 CE - EDR029338
  • CIL 6.32355 (= CIL 6.2044) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), ca. 66 CE - EDR029342
  • CIL 6.32356 (= CIL 6.2046) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), ca. 62 CE (?) - EDR029346
  • CIL 6.32357 – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales Fratres), ca. 55 or 56 CE - EDR029343
  • CIL 6.32359 (= CIL 6.2118b, CIL 6.2051) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 69 CE - EDR029352
  • CIL 6.32360 (= CIL 6.2053, fr. b + e) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 72 CE - EDR029354
  • CIL 6.32361, fr. a, e (= CIL 6.2054) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 75 CE - EDR029355
  • CIL 6.32362 (= CIL 6.2056) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 78 CE - EDR029356
  • CIL 6.32363, lines 18-40 (= CIL 6.2059, lines 18-40) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 80-81 CE - EDR029360
  • CIL 6.32364, lines 1-25 (= CIL 6.2060, lines 1-25) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 81 CE - EDR029361
  • CIL 6.32369, lines 1-23 (= CIL 6.2066, lines 1-23) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 89 CE - EDR029369
  • CIL 6.32371 (= CIL 6.2074) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 101 CE - EDR029374
  • CIL 6.32372 (= CIL 6.2075) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 105 CE - EDR029375
  • CIL 6.32374 (= CIL 6.2078) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 118 CE - EDR029379
  • CIL 6.32375, lines 8-24 (= CIL 6.2080, lines 8-24) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 120 CE - EDR029380
  • CIL 6.32376 (= CIL 6.2082) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 125-126 CE - EDR029383
  • CIL 6.32377 (= CIL 6.2083) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 129 CE [2] - EDR029384
  • CIL 6.32378 (= CIL 6.2081) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 124 CE - EDR029382
  • CIL 6.32380, lines 30-73 (= CIL 6.2086, lines 30-73) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 155 CE - EDR029391
  • CIL 6.32382 (= CIL 6.2091) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 162-164 CE - EDR029394
  • CIL 6.32383 (= CIL 6.2093) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales Fratres), 169-177 CE (frag. a)/170-176 CE (frag. b), possibly as late as 180-182 CE - EDR029396
  • CIL 6.32385 (= CIL 6.2095) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), reign of Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 CE - EDR020709
  • CIL 6.32386 (= CIL 6.2099) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 183 CE - EDR020714
  • CIL 6.32387 (= CIL 6.2102) – Fragments of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 193 CE - EDR020715
  • CIL 6.32389, lines 1-16 (= CIL 6.2067, lines 1-16) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 90 CE - EDR029370
  • CIL 6.32390a (= CIL 6.2107) – Fragment of the Acta of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), 224 CE - EDR029337
  • CIL 6.32482 (= CIL I2: 2.1, p. 214, CIL 6.2295) – Fasti Arvalium, fragment of a calendar of the Arval Brothers (Arvales fratres), ca. 29-21 BCE, with later Augustan additions - EDR080255
  • CIL 6.32486 (= CIL 6.2299) – Fragment of the Fasti Vaticani, 15-31 CE - EDR149888
  • CIL 6.32519 (= CIL 6.2378, 6.32911) – Fragments of a list of soldiers in the urban cohorts and the praetorian guard who were honorably discharged in 158 CE, 158 CE - EDR133110
  • CIL 6.32520 - EDR126679
  • CIL 6.32522 (= CIL 6.2381a-b) – Fragments of a list of praetorian guards and urban cohorts, 153-155 CE - EDR122011
  • CIL 6.32526, fr. i (= CIL 6.2384) – Fragment of a list of urban cohorts discharged in 218 CE after serving 20-21 years, 218 CE
  • CIL 6.32637 (= CIL 6.2411) – Fragment of a praetorian register, 114-115 CE - EDR132234
  • CIL 6.32678 – Epitaph of M. Varsilius Martialus, a veteran, set up by his wife, Varsilia Stacte, with a portrait relief of the deceased, 2nd-3rd century CE, ca. 200-250 CE - EDR101020
  • CIL 6.32698 – Epitaph of C. Nigidius Iulianus, a soldier in the 9th praetorian cohort, set up by his friend and heir, P. Aelius Iulianus, 150-190 CE - EDR107190
  • CIL 6.32703 – Epitaph for L. Catalus Crescens, a centurion, 100-180 CE - CLB - EDR106690
  • CIL 6.32735 - EDR167026
  • CIL 6.32911 (= CIL 6.2378, CIL 6.32519) – Fragments of a list of soldiers in the urban cohorts and the praetorian guard who were honorably discharged in 158 CE, 158 CE - EDR133110
  • CIL 6.32946 - EDR184481
  • CIL 6.32989 (= CIL 6.3559) – Record of the building of a shrine, with a platform for military standards, dedicated by the soldiers whose names are listed in the inscription, 168 CE - EDR161372
  • CIL 6.33470 – Epitaph for Epaphroditus, a slave of Domitian, set up by his colleague, Syntrophus, probably 83-96 CE - EDR029213
  • CIL 6.33743 (= CIL 6.8680) – Fragments of a dedication to the protective deities of the Horrea Galbae warehouses, late 68 CE - EDR121818
  • CIL 6.33840 = Album 28; Gordon Intro. 76 (2) - EDR004983
  • CIL 6.33887 - EDR032797
  • CIL 6.33929 - EDR163938
  • CIL 6.33937 (= CIL 6.10053-10054, CIL 6.37834) – Fragments of an inscription honoring the charioteer Avilius Teres, with a long list of the names of horses, after 110 CE, perhaps around 120 CE - EDR104900
  • CIL 6.33943 = Album 173B - EDR150485
  • CIL 6.33950 – Columbarium plaque for Fuscus, a charioteer for the Greens, set up by a fellow slave, ca. 35 CE or a little later (2) - EDR071626
  • CIL 6.33976 = Album 153 - EDR107864
  • CIL 6.33983 – Epitaph of a gladiator who fought as a retiarius under the name Pardus (Leopard), won many contests, and died a natural death at age 48, first half of first century CE - EDR111017
  • CIL 6.34013 – Record of work done on the tomb building (?) of a burial society by one of its officers, Mellax Veidianus, at his own expense, January 1-June 30, 1 CE - EDR168060
  • CIL 6.34018 – Fragment of an epitaph (?), 28 CE - EDR186720
  • CIL 6.34206 – Funerary monument for T. Aconius Karus, his nurse/tutor, his parents and their descendants, 1st-2nd century CE - EDR145902
  • CIL 6.34256 (= CIL 6.35214; Ohl, Memoirs, 19) - EDR146132
  • CIL 6.34380 – A columbarium plaque with two separate inscriptions – first, an epitaph for Amandus, set up by his mother, Comse; the second, an epitaph for Cornelia Libas, set up by her husband C. Cornelius Symphorus, 1st, or more likely, 2nd century CE – CLB - EDR146010
  • CIL 6.34573 – Epitaph for T. Attius Decimus, Attia Threpte, a freedwoman, and Attia Hedone, set up for themselves and their descendants, 2nd century CE – CLB - EDR145512
  • CIL 6.34704 – Columbarium plaque for Epicharis and Calliste, 1st-3rd century CE - EDR145511
  • CIL 6.34743 (lower half)) – Fragment of an epitaph [for Callityche], 2nd-4th century CE - EDR146202
  • CIL 6.35089 – Fragment of a columbarium plaque for Decimia M[---], set up by P. Decimius Epaph[roditus?] and Decimia Strato[nice?] for their patron, 1st-2nd century CE – CLB -EDR145874
  • CIL 6.35154 – Epitaph for Epictetus, set up by his wife, 2nd-3rd century CE - EDR145884
  • CIL 6.35214 (see also, CIL 6.35256) – One of two epitaphs on the same stone for A. Fabricius Prothymus (CIL 6.35214) and his wife, Aelia Epigone (CIL 6.34256), 1st-2nd century CE - EDR145884, EDR146132
  • CIL 6.35256 (see also, CIL 6.35214) – One of two epitaphs on the same stone for A. Fabricius Prothymus (CIL 6.35214) and his wife, Aelia Epigone (CIL 6.34256), 1st-2nd century CE - EDR145884,  EDR146132
  •  CIL 6.35368 – Columbarium plaque for Gellius Balentinus, 2nd-3rd (more likely) century CE – CLB - EDR145873
  •  CIL 6.35603 – Epitaph set up by L. Aius Anicetus for himself and his wife, Iulia Primigenia, who he lived with for fifty years, 1st-2nd century CE - EDR145514
  • CIL 6.35747 – Epitaph with syllabic breaks for P. Aelius and M. Ephesius, set up by their parents, M. Cirratus and Amada, 2nd century CE - CLB - EDR14551
  • CIL 6.35911 – Epitaph set up by Neria Pallas and Nerius Aprio for their daughter, who lived six years and two months [or Pallas and Nerius Aprio set up the stone for their daughter Neria], 1st-2nd century CE– CLB - EDR146555
  • CIL 6.35983 – Epitaph for Octavia Primigenia, set up by her son, Gaetulicus, 2nd-3rd century CE - EDR146012
  • CIL 6.36467 (2) - EDR071725
  • CIL 6.36609 – Fragment, date uncertain
  • CIL 6.36786 (= NS 1911, 444; BC 1911, 258) - EDR072475
  • CIL 6.36789 – Fragment of an inscription commemorating the votive games given by the consuls of 8 BC to honor the safe return of Augustus to Rome, 8 BCE (3) - EDR071997
  • CIL 6.36809 [2] - EDR072143
  • CIL 6.36841 – Catalog of augurs celebrating the Augury of Safety (augurium Salutis), 23 BCE–37 CE - EDR072398
  • CIL 6.36883 (= CIL 6.1071, 6.40641) – A votive dedication for the health and victory of Caracalla, his mother, Julia Domna, and the whole Imperial family by Eutychus, an imperial slave [steward?], 212-217 CE [2] - EDR093038
  • CIL 6.36885 (= CIL 6.1118) – Dedication to the co-emperor Maximian (?), whose name was later replaced by Constantine II, by the guild of tanners and leather merchants, ca. 287 CE, rewritten ca. 317 CE - EDR100023
  • CIL 6.36887 (= CIL 6.1162) – One of two nearly identical dedications [with CIL 6.1161] to Constantius II by Memmius Vitrasius Orfitus, urban prefect and judge of appeals, 356-359 CE - EDR129238
  • CIL 6.36935 [2] - EDR115537
  • CIL 6.36954 lat. sinistro (= Album 203; ILS 726) (2) - EDR103456
  • CIL 6.36954 front. (= Album 319) (2) - EDR103456
  • CIL 6.37018 – Christian funerary inscription, 371 CE - EDR122388
  • CIL 6.37027 (= CIL I2: 2.1 766r) – Boundary stone of the Tiber River, 54 BCE - EDR127182
  • CIL 6.37037 = Album 55 - EDR072185
  • CIL 6.37039f (= CIL 6.1290) – Funerary inscription for L. Cornelius Scipio, 167 BCE [2] - EDR109041
  • CIL 6.37039i (= CIL 6.1293) – Epigram in three parts for Cn. Cornelius Hispanus (first part missing), 139 BCE - EDR109046
  • CIL 6.37053 (= CIL 6.1527, 6.31670, CIL 6.41062) – Laudatio Turiae, eulogy by a husband for his wife, ca. 8-2 BCE [4] - EDR093344
  • CIL 6.37063 - EDR071672
  • CIL 6.37075 (= CIL 6.41061) – Funerary monument for Potitus Valerius Messalla, between 17 BCE and 14 CE (2) - EDR074070
  • CIL 6.37077 – Funerary inscription for C. Vibius Pansa Caetronianus, ca. 43 BCE - EDR071739
  • CIL 6.37078 - EDR072422
  • CIL 6.37122 – Fragment of a sarcophagus of Cassia Pisonis, September 16, 346 CE - EDR072172
  • CIL 6.37165 (= Album 287) - EDR020731
  • CIL 6.37170 (= Album 298) (2) - EDR121809
  • CIL 6.37271 – Columbarium plaque for Iulia Carnuntilla, probably from Carnuntum in Pannonia Superior, set up by her husband, Iulius Lupianus, a veteran who had served in that region, after 193 CE - EDR146554
  • CIL 6.37279 – Epitaph for a cavalry officer (equites promoti), 4th-5th century CE - EDR072174
  • CIL 6.37786 – Columbarium plaque for Pyramus, chamberlain to Lucius Vitellius, who was consul three times, 1st century CE – CLB - EDR072332
  • CIL 6.37834 – Fragments of an inscription honoring the charioteer Avilius Teres, with a long list of the names of horses, after 110 CE, perhaps around 120  CE [5] - EDR104900
  • CIL 6.37836 – Dedication commemorating Menander, a charioteer (bigarius), and his victories in the Ludi Martiales with his horses Basiliscus and Rusticus and in the Ludi Victoriae Caesaris with his horses Hister and Corax, 15 CE [2] - EDR072175
  • CIL 6.37881 (correction of CIL 6.23044) – Epitaph for Nonia Hieronis, set up by her husband, an imperial slave, for themselves and their household, 50-150 CE - EDR146053 
  • CIL 6.37965 (2) - EDR072588
  • CIL 6.38003 (= Ohl 121, no. 89) – Epitaph of Antiochus Galbianus, an imperial slave, set up by Messia Tryphaena, 1st century CE  – CLB - EDR147030
  • CIL 6.38272/3 – Columbarium plaque for Damalis, 1st century CE – CLB - EDR146048
  • CIL 6.38303 (= NS 1907, 529) - EDR113870
  • CIL 6.38317 – Epitaph for Eridanus Zosimus, who lived seven years, five months, and fourteen days, 2nd-3rd century CE - EDR146049 
  • CIL 6.38411 – Epitaph, with carving of a mouse pushing a wheel of bread at top, for M. Gavius Amphion Mus, set up by his son, 2nd century CE [2] - EDR106338
  • CIL 6.38444 – Columbarium plaque for Hermia, 1st century CE
  • CIL 6.38462 = Epigraphica 28 p. 23 – EDR074641
  • CIL 6.38494 - EDR184873
  • CIL 6.38500 - EDR186861
  • CIL 6.38529a – Columbarium plaque for M. Laelius Phileros, a freedman, 1st century CE – CLB - EDR146603
  • CIL 6.38592 (= Ohl, Memoirs, 173) [2] - EDR146603
  • CIL 6.39015 – Columbarium plaque for C. Valerius Speratus, 1st-2nd century CE - EDR146052
  • CIL 6.39051 – Fragment of a columbarium plaque for M. Vipsanius Aga[- - -] and Antistia Fac[- - - ], late 1st century BCE–1st century CE  [2] – CLB - EDR146558 
  • CIL 6.39416 (= Gordon Intro. 47; Album 128; AE, 1915, 100) (2)
  • CIL 6.39444-5 (filed under CIL 6.39683) – Fragments of an epitaph for Eucerus, a flute player and favorite at the temple of Mater Matuta in the 6th region, set up by Iulius for his tutor, 1st-2nd century CE  (3) - EDR072297
  • CIL 6.39454 – Epitaph for M. Valerius [Mo]?ma, a soldier, Augustan/Tiberian era
  • CIL 6.39683 – Double columbarium plaque for a father, D. Ampudius Sotericus, and his son, D. Ampudicus Bassus, 1st century CE - EDR001068 
  • CIL 6.39686 – Fragmentary epitaph for [---H?]edone, 1st-2nd century CE - EDR103099
  • CIL 6.40353 – Inscription honoring Drusus the Younger, 14-23 CE - EDR092844
  • CIL 6.40372 (= CIL 6.886, 6.31192) – Epitaph of Agrippina the Elder, probably April, 37 CE [2] - EDR092858
  • CIL 6.40412 – Two inscriptions, from a statue base (?), honoring the emperor Claudius and his brother, Germanicus Caesar, 41-54 CE - EDR092877
  • CIL 6.40413 (= CIL 6.917) - EDR092878
  • CIL 6.40497 (= CIL 6.31298) – Fragments of a decree honoring Trajan set up by boys and girls who received alimenta, 102-114 CE [2] - EDR092925
  • CIL 6.40501 (= CIL 6.958) – Fragments of a dedication (of a shrine?) to Trajan by the cultores larum et imaginum of the imperial household, 108-109 CE or 107-108 CE  [2] - EDR092929
  • CIL 6.40560 (= CIL 6.1015, CIL 6.31226) – Dedication to Marcus Aurelius, 175-180 CE – EDR092976
  • CIL 6.40638 (= CIL 6.1080, 6.31236) – Dedication to the health and victory of Caracalla by members of the fishermen and divers guild, 211 CE - EDR074497
  • CIL 6.40641 (= CIL 6.1071, 6.36883) – A votive dedication for the health and victory of Caracalla, his mother, Julia Domna, and the whole Imperial family by Eutychus, an imperial slave [steward?], 212-217 CE [2] - EDR093038
  • CIL 6.40646 – Dedication to Caracalla and his mother, Julia Domna (?), ca. 16 May–13 June, 212 CE - EDR078751
  • CIL 6.40885 (= CIL I2: 2.1, 838, 6.31614) – Boundary marker with edict of L. Sentius, praetor, 93-89 BCE (2) - EDR113977
  • CIL 6.41061 (= CIL 6.37075) – Funerary monument for Potitus Valerius Messalla, between 17 BCE and 14 CE (2) - EDR074070
  • CIL 6.41062 (= CIL 6.1527. 6.31670, 6.37053) – Laudatio Turiae, eulogy by a husband for his wife, late 1st century BCE [4] - EDR093344
  • CIL 6.41070 (= CIL 6.1442) – Fragments of a senatorial decree, 54-68 CE - EDR093350
  • CIL 6.41077 (= CIL 6.1572) – Epitaph of a Roman official in the reign of Nero, 54-68 CE or little later - EDR093355
  • CIL 6.41145 (CIL 6.1540) – Two fragments of a statue base honoring T. Pomponius Proculus Vitrasius Pollio, 178-180 CE - EDR093415
  • CIL 6.41184 (= CIL 6.31716) – Honorary inscription for C. Iulius Camilius Galerius Asper, 215-225 CE - EDR093450
  • CIL 6.41192 (= CIL 6.1475) – Dedication honoring M. Nummius Umbrius Primus M. Filius Gal. Senecio Albinus, former consul (with his ‘cursus honorum’), 206 CE - EDR093456
  • CIL 6.41194 (= CIL 6.1476, 6.31664) – Fragment of a dedication to C. Octavius Appius Suetrius Sabinus, 228-240 CE - EDR093457
  • CIL 6.41271 (= CIL 6.31856) – Honorary inscription on a statue base (?) for L. Iulius Iulianus, praetorian prefect, 189-190 CE - EDR093523